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No statutory age.
However, there are some supermarkets where the store manager decides to play himself, from when it can be sold when I worked at the supermarket that was 16 years old.
With the vast majority of markets, you can already buy energy from 12 years old, I had done it at that time. But if there’s any small 6-year-old coming from it, you can’t buy it.
If it is difficult, it is simply due to the fact that nothing has been precisely defined by law and therefore that it is also different.
It was only asked about drinking, not buying.
Thanks for the correction, but as far as I know no age is fixed
Theoretically from 1 year, because there are no laws for
Also with 11
In measure
I’m 11 years old and look like about 13 and I’m gonna sell it.
There is no statutory age limit for the consumption of caffeine-containing beverages.
Even with the 11
I like to repeat it again:
There is no statutory age limit for the consumption of caffeine-containing beverages.
I can only explain it to you, you have to understand it yourself.
from 18 to be safe.
Are you sure about what? There are no rules or regulations that prevent the consumption of caffeine-containing beverages under certain ages.
I think it is only allowed from 16 or 18.