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It’ll never happen. I’ve never experienced a train in Switzerland being inconvenient.
I’ve had it a couple times. I live in Switzerland too. Sometimes they get 3 to 4 minutes late, but rare happens.
This is still a good time in Germany!
Our trains were more timely. But we are at a high level.
The question is to what extent you can compete with the train. Smiling at a high level should not mean that one or two hours later arrives at the destination because the connecting train could not wait. If the train continues to do this, it doesn’t need to wonder that more and more people are moving to the car. But I have the impression that the train really doesn’t matter.
Guggsc: profile/number_fakten/puenktlichkeitwert-6878476
Thinking does not end
You get 25% back from 60 minutes. If longer then more
Delays: Refund and Compensation Help & Contact
And whoever my train has 20 minutes can you ask for money?
From 60 minutes does not mean less than 60 minutes. So no, you won’t get anything for 20 minutes
Thank you
You can always desire.
If the train falls completely, you get the money back. That’s all I know.
rather not because after a half hour the next one is driving!
With me the complete 35 francs were refunded…
No who one fails you won’t get any money back because the next trip is usually all 30 min (clock schedule) only if the next one goes hourly you can ask the 25% what does it just take to 60min delay.
( I’ve seen this case before)
the name is Kulanz
He had also retained 20 stutz from Thurbo when they left 15 seconds too early!