Ab wie viel Uhr trinkt ihr täglich das erste Bier?
Es ist ja Festival Saison 😎
Es ist ja Festival Saison 😎
Wir kommen vom Land und sind 6 Tage am Stück mit unserem Wagen an Karneval unterwegs. Ich denke 4 Tage halte ich durch 😂
Welches Haushaltsmittel hilft beim vorbeugen eines Katers? 🍺
Ich geh heut Abend mit Freunden essen und kann mich einfach nicht entscheiden, weil alles sooo lecker klingt 😋 Welche von den 3 Speisen würdet ihr denn wählen?Da ich mich absolut nicht entscheiden kann, dacht ich mir, ich mach ne Abstimmung und entscheid mich dann für das Gericht mit den meisten Stimmen 😊 Beefburger mit…
Hi, ich gehe in ca. 5-6 Stunden Feiern und habe meine Periode hab auch Unterleibsschmerzen. Deswegen hab ich eben eine Ibuprofen (300mg) genommen. Und ich weiß das man Medikamente mit Alkohol nicht nehmen sollte. Ich nehme zwar schon so Medikamente wegen Krankheiten. Und hab trotzdem Alkohol immer getrunken. Gab keine Probleme. Kann ich dann später…
At the festival? Depends on when the last one was, and how many and how I feel about it. Dude pours it occasionally in Cereals (Frevel)
Good lineup is also important. Not that I miss my bands because I’m with Dixie.
In between one, but another. Could also sober already give problems to find our tents haha. Who doesn’t know
Private clear after evening. From 5.
I usually stay at exactly 1 evening beer… and now in Wacken I’m flexible
About 2 hours before falling asleep if I have nothing more challenging before me. Depending on 20 to 22:00. I recommend it to others. Beer is not there to delete thirst during the day.
I drink only in the evening and then only relatively rarely or if there’s something to celebrate.
I sometimes drink a beer, but not daily. Whether festival season or not.
Drinking beer or alcohol every day indicates alcohol addiction.
The question makes alarm bells sound in relation to your alcohol consumption – it seems at least critical if not really alcoholics.
I don’t drink beer because I don’t like beer, but also the varieties of alcoholics I like, I certainly don’t drink daily. Not even weekly, because alcohol is and remains a dangerous drug, which should be consumed in dimensions.
Whether your bells are ringing doesn’t matter. Because you have no knowledge in this direction
Ahja. How can you guess that?
Why? At festivals, this is a topic because it can’t go there, sometimes a bottle. (Last can’t even guess how much and when nobody really cares about it). Tw consume them only there or more
Whoever drinks daily has a problem. That’s so simple.
Yes, this is not daily over a longer period. You know such people, too. Incl excuses like wine choir and something. Really had a daily phase as I really liked cocktails. I also noticed that I started mentally getting a problem with it. Then I thank God. After that, it didn’t even feel like it (aka when I was in my head again) . That’s why I dropped an acquaintance. The later even began to animate the environment
I see you. Great.
Look in.
I have a mirror. 🤦
Yeah. Do you have mirrors?
In your unqualified answer
If you drink beer daily, you should do a therapy, because then you have an alcohol problem.
A delicious beer goes.
Not every day!
If we are invited to grill or grill, I will drink 1-2 beers at the earliest from 17.00 if I also like beer and not every time when grilling.
You can’t take your grandfather, for example. This drunken scientist!
No beer before 4.
I don’t drink beer at all, and if I don’t drink beer at all, I’m sure I won’t take it off time.
Strange logic. No one is forced to drink beer just because festivals are taking place.
Force is always doof
There is no compulsion to drink beer at a certain time. Only spiessers can be involved in this.
Spießer ?…hmm is right..I could make some delicious grilling, with paprika, champignons, barbecue cheese and bacon…
I don’t drink alcohol for 24 hours. Except if what’s in food, for example in bananas.
It depends. At festivals so about 09:00 / 09:30
I don’t drink any alcohol
LG Mia (17)
very reasonable
So I drink around the clock no beer, or any other alcoholic beverages.
And that’s because I don’t like that and not because I’m not sure.
I drink it when I want it. If at all, usually in the afternoon, if at all. And since I don’t get my beer what I’m the only one I drink here, I don’t drink. I think my last beer I drank two years ago and even there only one bottle all year round
From 0.00 to 23.59 h, I have no alcohol
Laugh. How much do you drink between 23:59 and 0:01? :
You barely understood logic.
and from 0:1 to 23:59 are not 24 hours, but 23:58.
You still haven’t got it. Except you turned the times yourself. Let it be instead of annoying me. It is from 0:01 to 23:59 h, not vice versa.
You think so? Maybe I’ve just discovered the error in your statement and named:-D. You have a gap of one minute in your time.
I always get up early, so… 6:00!
😀 instead of coffee?
Yeah, I’d rather!
No beer in front of four!
I do not know what age restriction has to do with the question.