Ab wie viel Jahre können Wellensittiche keine Babys mehr bekommen?

ab wie viel Jahre keine Wellensittiche keine Babys mehr bekommen mein Wellensittich ist vier Jahre alt und das Männchen ist eineinhalb Jahre alt können Sie trotzdem Babys bekommen?

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3 years ago

wavy ponds can be 15 years old.

For so long, they can get chicks.

however, as a single pair only rarely succeed. they’re gay. the more moral, the more successful they breed.

they can only get aftergrowth if it has at least one male and one female.

3 years ago

In captivity, waveforms have an average life expectancy of 8 to 10 years for professional care.

So up to this age, waves are also regularly reproductive.

Since their waves are younger than 5 years old, there should be no restrictions from age.

If you want to breed waves, then the right preparation of breeding is the A & O.

To do this, please read an old book on shaft breeding (at least before 1980) and remember its content.

There you will find all your further questions answered and you will also find a lot more interesting about the waves.

I wish you a happy hand for your waves.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –

3 years ago

Girls can’t get babies no matter how old they are