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2 years ago

If you’re looking to separate the three by distillation, I need to disappoint you. They are chemically so similar that you don’t get far without industrial column distillation. You might get some of the HHC-O out, but even I think that’s unlikely. The boiling points are too close to each other.

2 years ago
Reply to  Schimmelolive

As I said, everyone is very similar. And the HHC is almost identical to THC (there is a double bond missing, but it will almost have no effect on the boiling point). And THC has a score of 155 – 157 °C according to Wikipedia. I don’t know how these vaporizers work exactly, but would say 170 should already be. Trying a little.

2 years ago

Ne, the problem with evaporation is simply that you vaporize something at the boiling point, but the energy of the molecule is not enough to get far. This means it then condenses directly in the line, so to speak. So the high temperatures, otherwise nothing or just a little comes out. But this is all dependent on the construction. That’s why I try.

2 years ago

From the temperature, toxic substances can arise, and I just don’t want them.

This is kind of the buffer if you do not want to have toxic substances because of too high temperatures, but the existence of other toxic substances in HHC and its modified forms simply fade out.

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