Ab welcher Körpergröße findet ihr einen Mann klein?
ab welcher Körpergröße findet ihr einen Mann nicht mehr durchschnittlich sondern klein?
ab welcher Körpergröße findet ihr einen Mann nicht mehr durchschnittlich sondern klein?
Hallo ich bin ein Mädchen bin 14 Jahre alt und 165cm groß. Folgendes Problem ich habe jetzt innerhalb 1 Woche 2KG zugenommen obwohl ich mich so ernährt habe wie immer. Aber dass ist doch nicht normal so viel aufeinmal zuzunehmen? Was könnte dass sein? Sollte ich mir Sorgen machen? Sollte ich mal zum Artzt? Danke…
ich find sie sehr praktisch und sicher.
Hallo, ich bin M. 15 Jahre alt. Ich bin 180cm groß und wiege 60kg. Ich trage immer oversize Klamotten, so dass niemand sieht dass ich dünn bin. Ich sehe eigentlich gut aus und hatte noch nie Probleme Mädchen zu klären. Nach außen wirke ich taff, bin aber eigentlich sehr schüchtern und aufgrund meines Gewichts nicht…
ich bin 164cm groß und wiege 55 kg ich finde die Klamotten so schön aber ich weiß nicht ob ich da reinpasse
Und ab wann macht ihr einen Unterschied zu schlank? Wie nutzt ihr beide Begriffe? Die Umfrage bezieht sich auf den Titel. Also den Begriff dünn sein.
Wen das Mädchen zwischen 1.65 bis 1.68 groß ist. Findet ihr das klein, Mittel oder groß?
Small, but not too small – not too small for me.
On average, a mammothic size is and has nothing to do with personal feeling.
If you refer to the younger (adult) men (in Germany):
181-182 is the average size. This is a very useful 1st landmark. Those who are so large or are only slightly below this size can hardly be referred to as small.
75% of men will be at least 177. So, about every 4th man gets that big. So here you could start talking about “more smaller” men. 177 is already latent in the area, which is usually recognized as smaller than 181 in everyday life.
90% of men will be at least 174. There are already 7 centimeters to the average. This is almost always clearly recognizable in everyday life smaller than an average man.
97% of men will be at least 169. At the latest, there must be special circumstances that a man of this size is not perceived as much smaller than an average man.
So it’s obvious that somewhere between the two last named values of small men you have to talk. Otherwise, you could say smoothly, there are no small men (except for a few exceptions from a few small breeders, which approx. 0.1-0.2% and below 150.
Unconditionally added again: The “small” feature is a classification into the total mass of (younger) men. And then it is only the question of how much percent of those with the smallest size could be called small. Or more crimped: Someone is small and anyone is even the smallest.
Furthermore, it must be added that there are significantly more smaller men over all age groups of men (previously the numbers refer to the youngest generations of adult men only). Of all adult men, almost every eighth is under 170. This classification in the category “Small” is of course not easier.
Or an attempt to look at it: 177-186 means in younger men that they are neither the largest quarter nor the smallest quarter. So represent a fairly broad average that is “50% in the middle”. Those who no longer make it in there tend to be classified as small. Over all (growing) age groups, this type of classification shifts somewhat downwards to about 172-183.
Personally, I think that starting at the latest 170 or below, one must actually talk about “small” men. If you move it even further down, a division will not make any sense.
Under 1,60m.
My ex is 1.65m and I found it quite normal.
How big are you
I am 1.85m. 10 cm less seem small to me.
All under 1.70. In addition, it’s not small for me.
Lg ThexSun
All under 180.
Men under 180, for example, would not be data. Exceptions: For example, for money or power.
Then I’d rather sit in the golden cage.
Disgusting attitude.
I just like men over 195 🤓
Ha gayyyyyyy
All under 170
so ca
Under 160 cm.