Ab welcher Fahrstunde konntet ihr „gut“ fahren?

Ich habe echt große Angst vorm Versagen, weswegen ich mich voll oft schlecht fühle nach einer Fahrstunde obwohl ich erst vor kurzem angefangen habe.

Ab wann konntet ihr gut und selbständig fahren? Wie lange hat es gebraucht bis ihr es etwas im Gefühl hattet?

Ich bin oft echt überfordert mit mehreren Dingen gleichzeitig machen (blinken, lenken, gucken..).

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1 year ago

I don’t remember exactly. I think sometime between the 25th and 30th. I didn’t learn anything new, it was just practicing because, depending on the mood, I was also slightly distracted and unconcentrated, but basically knew all traffic rules.

My exam was a catastrophe, but after that I only rarely had occasions to drive again. That’s why I haven’t got a proper routine in there until today.

1 year ago

What’s “good”?

That the driving instructor didn’t have to reach the steering wheel? There was the case in the first hour of the ride.

That the driving instructor has let me do everything alone and hasn’t switched for me, for example? That was from the first. Meter the case, he didn’t even offer it.

That I didn’t strangle anymore? To check… I think I strangled the car at least once in every hour. And most often in the last hour.

That I could start on the mountain without a handbrake, just with the pedals? That was long after the exam. I’m only hit with a handbrake in the test on the mountain.

That I could drive hundreds of kilometers a day to have these little “Upsi” moments that could have gone wrong? After thousands of miles.

1 year ago

From the first, I made the T driving licence with 16 and then drove more often with longer spans, and I already knew the traffic rules and could switch. I got in and got off, the driving instructor was little amazed at the time, because he used to do it before the class T.

1 year ago

From the 1st hour….the driving instructor pulled out the shoes after 500 meters and raised my feet…but it was that I could drive with 10 years car u had my first own car with 12…at the time, the land went without problems….now I wouldn’t dare to do this anymore and let it be with my son, who makes straight fs, also not let

1 year ago

Not long after the driving school.

1 year ago

Ging fast, from 10 hours it ran liquid.

1 year ago
Reply to  minasataro

Single. So it’d be the 5th ride because I had only two hours.

1 year ago

A lot of laughing helps.

It’s like cycling.

Also follow a logic why you have to do something.

Blinker, so that everyone knows how to look at the shoulder so that you don’t have to pay the cyclist for the rest of your life.

1 year ago

Believe from the fourth or fifth hour.

1 year ago


1 year ago

2-3 years after the last.