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I flew with my parents for the first time when I was 1 1/2, everything worked well. If, of course, always different, comes to the child
If it does not have to be mandatory (movement etc.) I would fly with children at the earliest age of 4 years.
About family visit in another country
This is of course something different from a normal holiday. But under a lifetime of one year, I wouldn’t do it.
The others don’t want or can’t come… have been out there for months. Of course it would be better if they came to us because we have a baby.
Never as a baby. Earlier when the child is ready that it knows what it is doing and is aware that it has to behave in the plane.
Babys are supposed to be easier than toddlers because toddlers are often impatient and babies sleep a lot
Babies aren’t for health.
I’ve been flying several times a year since I was 1 1/2, always worked well. It doesn’t always have to be that, but I don’t share your answer.
I wouldn’t fly with a baby.
I’d be too much stress in person.
With a small child, it should be more stress than with a baby
You’re right, so I wouldn’t fly with a toddler.
Then, if necessary.
I can’t fly