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This should be completed with the training.
It would be useful for training. The sooner, the better. It is also good as parents, because the sooner a child swims well, the more relaxed you can be in the swimming pool.
As early as possible. My son visited a swimming course with about 6 years and then gradually made sailhorses, bronze, silver and gold. I myself had swimming lessons in primary school, with about 7 years.
From school age. It’s not a must.
At the entrance you have the little seahorse on the bathing pants! After all, you have a reputation to lose. Also as a 6-year-old!
A healthy child should be able to swim approximately from an age of 8 years
As early as possible. Maybe 3,4,5. Depending on how good the child can learn this
How old are your children when you can ask?
7 and 10. both now have gold. Seahorses since they were 4. However, my wife has been a swimmer and has placed a lot of value on it. Nonetheless, it makes sense to start as early as possible
Time between five and six years is considered ideal to learn swimming. In many places, children from four years old can be registered for the seahorse. Swimming lessons are usually offered by the local DLRG, swimming pools and clubs.
From 6 you should swim
There is no flat-rate age – this depends entirely on the circumstances.
Let me guess – you already had your golden lifeguard in the kindergarten…
It’s about my friend’s child in Uganda. It’s 6 years old and can’t swim yet. Is it too early to learn swimming?
No, definitely not
Then now is the time for the little one to learn to swim.
So what? I bet many adults can’t swim in Uganda.
Doesn’t interest me… I live my own life…
Oh, you have your own definitions again, which contradict everything you’ve ever learned.
Did you teach them to yourself? Would explain a lot. But why didn’t you learn from the professionals at school? Would have been much better…
I only distinguish between professional and lay people.
Laien: People who show me how to do this and have not learned it professionally and also teach it by trying and error.
Professionally: By teaching a course where it is professionally taught to me.
I prefer swimming to learn professional help for the child in Uganda, as there is no one else in the family who can swim.
Also I found it better to learn from a professional to swim than from us. Of course, we could have shown it how it works, yet I would certainly not have been able to correct with my lay knowledge mistake as well as a professional.
What now?
Got the following message 5 minutes ago:
So I inquired at a nearby hotel with swimming pool for swimming lessons for Hannah and the coach told me to pay 15,000 ugsh per session, so about 4 dollars a day–
I’ll give her 50€… so she’s at least. 10-12 days in which she can learn to swim. I think that should be enough.
Is there swimming instructors and swimming pools in Uganda?
Bringing yourself something? I called you an example of skiing. What is bitt nice is so hard to understand that this can be wrong. Also I have been shown by lay people what was a mistake because they can’t explain it professionally and then I learned it wrong.
It’s not about teaching yourself. But you don’t seem to understand.
I can also ski because I taught myself. But it was stupid, because I was always very exhausted after 1 hour because I didn’t know the right technique and others are holding out for 3 hours. This is an enormous difference whether I learn what professionally or from lay people who have shown it to me…but don’t seem to understand.
Can’t you swim yourself? I’m sorry.
Why would we teach them something wrong? With us, they’re just bullshit. We prefer to leave professional people and we can and we want to do this…. we’re not helping them drive the car….
My parents were able to teach us that. They prefer to take care of their children – instead of pushing them for expensive money to others
Too bad you don’t know.
Why would that be a problem to hire a swim instructor for a few hours? ….we didn’t teach our children to swim. There was someone in the indoor swimming pool who took it against money. It was very well known there. After a few days, my children could swim.
Oh, and who should teach the child? Are you going to Uganda and giving him swimming lessons? One man…
Yes the mother can’t swim and she’s 35….I want to pay her a swimming course for the child.