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At the latest when you have your own apartment. You should also be able to put a washing machine on your own and take care of the laundry afterwards, hang up laundry or do laundry in the tumble dryer. Some young people still bring the laundry to their mother so they wash. I find something unripe and three.
Best as soon as possible. If you have a system, it’s really not a thing because there’s a washing machine for it. I think ironing is already the biggest work on it.
are there still people ironing?
yes, I don’t belong to it, but didn’t want to embarrass me 😅
you don’t. I don’t know if we have an iron
From the 5th. You should get to know household appliances and their use. Wash your laundry.
As early as possible
there are no worse than wanting-adults that can be made by Mutti but still the laundry, best get folded up to the feet.
As soon as I came to puberty, I wanted to make my own laundry myself, because it was unpleasant to me when my mother takes my slips and everything in my hand, that was very important to me.
And this has helped me, among other things, that I was a self-employed person early on, who gets his stuff himself baked. Household, cooking etc is the same…
If you still do everything to your almost adult children, then you can follow, brush and regulate the dependency, incomparability, helplessness in certain things.
Look at this to my friend, I explained to him with 35 how to wash laundry, a coffee machine was fed. He goes to work in a higher position but at home he is like a child(luckily capable of learning, but that should not be the goal of raising his child..)
That’s what I tried with my neighbor, 39 by now. He works, generates an average income and does NOTHING in his apartment. Papi comes when a lamp has to be changed and Mutti comes three times a week to wash, clean, clean…
If you’re pulled out.
I’m 19 and I appreciate my mother still doing the laundry. From time to time, I do it myself, but for the most part it makes my mother. My big brother lives at home for study and he’s 21. Mother’s doing his laundry too.
I think it’s okay for you to stay with Mutti.
depends on
when you live with the parents,
is that one thing between you,
you should be able to do it yourself.
So sometimes the parents and sometimes you yourself.
Sometimes it is divided, clear/connect, clear, hang, iron.
Or you can bring laundry to the parents.
The most important thing is that you get together well and don’t put up any more burden on each other than you can wear. Pronounce. Like the others…is generally different.
From 14 to 15 you should be able to. It’s hard to understand at first, but it’s in, running
no age
my parents are 60 and my mother’s mother continues to wash for my parents or even for the whole family
she does it voluntarily and wants it. She says you’re boring otherwise
Now we also know where your independence comes from.
I would suggest you keep out of my family affairs 🙂
this is also a reason why you should not pay attention to externalities when searching for men, because you would be extremely overwhelmed both in laundry and cooking. That’s why a houseman would offer you, who might not be so attractive…
Happiness, I don’t fulfill the condition. :
But after Leonie doesn’t want to listen to me, you’ll ultimately count on her wedding candidates…
HAHAHA, you’re taking us in there every day. We know your family in and out. Don’t be ridiculous.
Either who you’re pulled out, or if you live after the training, e.g. after the Abi.
From the age of 14 you could already deal with the topic of laundry. However, I think it’s bullshit in a family to wash the laundry separately.
In exchange, I think it’s a good idea, so everyone has something about it.
Don’t let anything wake up against the laundry. It doesn’t matter how old you are. I even find it more sensible to let the machine run only if really full.
But from the mean teenager age you should be able to wash yourself at least. And maybe iron.
Put the laundry in the laundry basket if you can get dirty at the primary school. Put into the compartments if you have the physical size for it. You can do socks in the socks drawer under instructions already 3 years.
I’ll practice early.
And if you pull out should also be close to the laundry service. you have no WAMA it’s okay to wash at home instead of at the launderette.
As soon as possible. I think that is one of the first steps in self-employment. I learned early to do the laundry myself.
difficult to say, my mom has done things in her studies sometimes, and with God I can’t iron almost as good as she:D
If you notice that you are old enough to make it yourself.
Then when you’re pulled out.