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2 years ago

From the age in which you are aware of your own deeds and consequences with all that it brings to you when you build crap. I don’t think you can give it a flat-rate figure.

2 years ago

There should be people who were not ready for all three at any time of their lives, and one even heard of those who are doing it right well.

2 years ago

All in general things that are not advantageous even with increasing age.

2 years ago

Just physically in a healthy person. Psychically quite possible that you are never ready to do so.

2 years ago

These are 3 different things. They probably also differ from person to person.

In addition, I am greatly surprised by the many seemingly sex with one-night levels.

2 years ago

I don’t think you should call these things in a breath.

Sex is not a concern if you are protected and ready for it.

Kiffen is especially dangerous for two reasons: On the one hand, it can trigger schizophrenia in people who have a disposition for it and consume early, on the other hand it is almost always associated with smoking and smoking in puberty is very harmful. On the other hand, you do not smoke and do not have a disposition, ciffing is completely harmless…

Alcohol in excess is always harmful to your body, the earlier in development the more harmful. In addition, it does not have an insignificant search potential, especially when it is instrumentalized, which is common for young people.

2 years ago

Because only then is the body completely developed. During growth to consume drugs is not possible.

So if the crap has to be absolutely, please only when you grow up. It is extremely harmful anyway.

You can have sex from 14 when you are really ready for it is different for everyone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Luna0610

Very good answer

2 years ago

With every difference

2 years ago

In my opinion:

One Night Stands, 14

ciffen 18

hard alcohol 18

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaen011

kiffen – 16

2 years ago

I was ready with 16 and finished with everything.

2 years ago

All the activities that disturb the body in its development would only allow me from 21+, so alcohol and other drugs.
But sex .. if the body or man is willing to do this and it is also legal. then the age does not matter.

2 years ago

with 15 I was ready

2 years ago

80 or more

2 years ago

For sex, the body is ready when you want it yourself and you don’t do it because the others have made it. Hard alcohol? What for? To thrive and be proud of the film crack? Then you should work on his value system. Alcoholic drinks as a pleasure – I would say so from 17 or 18 you can take it in small amounts. My very personal experiences are that I whisky or good brandy, fruit brandy etc. only received as a pleasure from the beginning of 40. But as I said in small amounts, once, twice a week it is a pleasure, more often it is like with any favorite food, it loses the pleasure character and becomes a habit that you no longer appreciate.
Kiffen doesn’t have to be.

2 years ago

How old can I not be

2 years ago

18 then you are full year

2 years ago

no matter what your pocket money is,laugh

2 years ago

I’ve chosen 20 (as the oldest option) to show that I see the question very critical.

One Night Stands, cold and hard alcohol already have a negative impact in life in the medium term.

If you study the CVs of very successful people, the three listed activities are the least that contribute to success.

My proposal (although only for statistical reasons): add another point of vote: “Not against these activities”.

Greetings & All Goods!

2 years ago


2 years ago

You’re never ready. That’s unhealthy. This does not last long

2 years ago
Reply to  TheAmigos

ONS are unhealthy?

2 years ago
Reply to  JuCe555


aalbtraum, UserMod Light

From a health point of view, it would be best to take drugs first in the 20s. The physical development is then slowly completed and the labile phase of puberty has survived. If you are healthy and informed about low-risk consumption (cf. Safer use, Drug mouth), the risks associated with consumption are low.

As far as the necessary maturity is concerned, it would also be better to wait at least for puberty. On an individual level, however, this can be a bit earlier or a little later. Here I had once philosophised about the topic: “Magic Mushrooms, Psyche fortified?”,

2 years ago

From no age, that’s all we’re not designed for.

2 years ago

Not at all!

At least ciffs and alcohol are basically harmful!

Who needs alcohol and ciffs? Is the world so terrible that you have to get rid of it?🤪

2 years ago
Reply to  HeraAphrodite

Then something is wrong with you or your environment. If you’re sober, the problems are back!

2 years ago
Reply to  iQhaenschenkl

A cheese. If one consumes because the world is terrible, then one generally has a problem.

However, those who consume, simply because of consumption (experience, for example) can experience a fun time.

2 years ago
Reply to  PhalanxEuropa

Ah, yes!

Look at the answer of the questioner! He confirms that the world is so terrible!

Who has no problems is not trying the stuff! 🙄

You only confirm the great boredom and that you have to try something from which you know that you can burn your fingers.

2 years ago

Then the Indians or in general the natives apparently had the boredom. There are people who want to expand their horizons. Google Mal Psychonauten 😉

I have often cried and also experimented with LSD mushrooms XTC and I am a very normal person;)

If you saw me on the street, you would never think that. It’s not always just black and white.

2 years ago

ONS from 14, from 18, hard alcohol better than from 21.

2 years ago

We’re gonna let this stuffed and alcohol be fast.

2 years ago

From 21

2 years ago

It doesn’t have to be.

2 years ago

Not at all. The human body is designed for a healthy lifestyle.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spassbremse1

No. Therefore we have several organs such as kidney or liver to filter out toxic substances

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaen011

They don’t take part in the long term.

2 years ago

What you’re counting on above is roughness on the body

Use your kidney and liver?

No. If you don’t (we accept that would go theoretically) you die within a few days, no matter how “healthy” you feed.

Your statement that the body is designed for a healthy lifestyle (grade nutritional) is now wrong. Evolution gives no gifts. If you didn’t need an organ to filter out garbage, you wouldn’t have.

2 years ago

What you’re counting on above is robbery on the body. But you know that. You don’t get the answer you want from me. I’ll stay with you. It is harmful and destroys the body prematurely. People who consciously harm their healthy body should be excluded from health insurance.

2 years ago

But if you don’t exaggerate, they’ll last a lifetime.

2 years ago

Hard alcohol and ciffs from about 17. ONS only one day before I have to die.

2 years ago

ONS and sex from 14 anyway OK and rest even ifs in measure is

2 years ago

also with 61 I am not ready for

2 years ago

From 18 you can say all that is legal for adults but what many do not know from 21 the body is completely grown up there you damage the body and the brain before 21 rather and yes I started too early and know only a few years that you only grew up with 21

2 years ago

Not at all.

2 years ago

I’m thinking about equating drugs with sex is wrong. You can have sex much earlier, of course. That’s what you need to do.

2 years ago

For the consumption of illegal drugs you should never be ready. And alcohol abuse leads to damage to the body. Everyone must know if he wants to ruin himself. Baptism, ciffing, smoking… not cool. Rather weak, who does not manage without drugs.

2 years ago

One Night Stands: m.M.n from 13, but since this is illegal from 14. Kiffen: 16, hard alcohol: 18. But this is different for many people.

2 years ago

What Hansel did for 14? With 14 my friends and I sat in the sandbox and played.. Alcohol or sex were never a topic.

2 years ago

Sensitive people are never ready. That is why it is possible to assess the claim that HSP is being tested on precisely these factors.