Ab wann zählt eine diät als essstörung?
Hallu, ich bin 19 und habe mit einer Diät begonnen seit ein paar Wochen. Ich selber achte sehr auf Kalorien und meine Eltern finden das es zu wenig ist was ich am tag esse. Ich esse ca. 900 kcal am tag. Es wird immer weniger. Meine frage ist jetzt, zählt das noch zum normalen abnehmen oder muss ich aufpassen das ich nicht langsam in eine essstörung rein rutsche?
Slight and gripping – The food intake should never take place below the basic turnover, because this leads very easily and quickly into an eating disorder, but weight loss only by reducing the power turnover in a small frame, as far as real overweight is present.
With 900 kcal per day you don’t even cover your basic needs, so what the body needs to maintain its basic functions smoothly… including organ and brain functions, metabolism, breathing, etc., so all that the body does by itself, even if you are lying in bed without a rule. There is also the energy you consume through any movement. With 900 kcals a day you won’t get out, even the double would be too little. And if it gets less and less, you’ll be in danger of life. It is just a matter of time until your body no longer works properly. I’d call that an eating disorder.
How big and how hard are you?
Edit: In view of the fact that you started starving two years ago, one can clearly say that you are magical. You urgently need a therapy to get away from it. Otherwise, when it comes up, your life will be a few more years.
most of the damages are irreversible. the fatal is that anorexia nervosa is the psychic disease with the highest death rate. about 15% die from disease or follow it. there are only 5% who die directly from the disease.
the body changes quite quickly into the hunger metabolism in a normal-sized adult below 1,400 calories.
with the result that you no longer take off, possibly even increase and damage your metabolism.
Your parents are right. that’s already an eating disorder.
Girls, don’t lie to yourself. That’s an assault. Keep going and you’re going to a KLinik or the cemetery.
Skilled people like to keep the most important indication, namely their weight.
But if you’ve been through your minimum intake for 1 year, you’re definitely magical.
It can be good that you slip into a eating disorder. You don’t have to be underweight for eating disorder. The fact is that you are using your body for longer periods of malnutrition, with very negative consequences in the future.
I just saw you talking about 500 kcal a year ago. Yeah, that’s called eating disorder.
If I look at your question from a year ago and now, you’re already in the middle of a eating disorder.
I’m afraid you’re in.