Ab wann, würdet ihr sagen, ist ein Kind alt genug, um ein Metallkinderbesteck bekommen zu können?

Ich habe schon seit Jahren den festen Plan, dem ersten Kind der Familie ein bestimmtes Kinderbesteck zu besorgen – nur, wann ist ein sinnvoller Zeitpunkt dafür?

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5 months ago

For birth, baptism or 1st birthday

5 months ago

The gift idea is very beautiful and actually not tied to a certain time, I got my children’s cutlery (I still got it) with one to two years and there are photos from the time I actually used it. Most children should be able to eat relatively independently and halfway well with knives and fork with between three and four years.

5 months ago
Reply to  guitschee

I also have one of WMF, but with a very cute bear motif (so playful warm teddys are that, it is about from 1991/92) – that means much to me and it is still complete, but there were also only knives, fork and spoons. I keep it in honor, it was from my grandpa (when I become more and more similar today). It’s just great memories of my own, and I have my first two plush animals.

5 months ago

I’m sorry!

5 months ago

From then on, if it has understood the dangers. So that depends on how well you explain it to him.

I have already eaten as a small child (4-5) with quite normal cutlery and used sharp scissors. I learned and then the subject was done. I never hurt myself.

5 months ago
Reply to  PaterAlfonso

My grandpa gave me a Swiss pocket knife with four. After some time, I cut it off, that was also a lesson for life.

5 months ago
Reply to  Matermace

My grandson taught me how to deal with the air rifle before I was trained. This led to a hole in the head from the knicker’s knuckle because it slipped out of my hand. On the photo for the Jungpionier pass, I still have the patch on my head.

5 months ago

Children can theoretically eat with food start from MEtallbesteck. Lighter are plastic spoons, but that doesn’t mean anything. With one year, they can definitely use components from the set. The knife is often introduced later. With 3 years, children can do the first exercises with bread lubrication and cutting.

5 months ago

My children got their first cutlery, with their names, from their baptisms. They have eaten on their own for about 2 years.

5 months ago

You can do this from the beginning