Ab wann werden Leberwerte gefährlich?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich weiß das Internet ersetzt kein Arztbesuch, vielleicht kann mir dennoch jemand weiterhelfen.
Ab wann werden Leberwerte Gefährlich? Mir geht es seit einiger Zeit nicht besonders gut, fühle mich sehr schlapp, bin Müde, verliere an Gewicht, habe Nachtschweiß und ich merke einfach das was nicht in Ordnung ist. Bin dann Donnerstag zum Arzt, da wurde mir Blutabgenommen und ein Ultraschall gemacht. Bauchspeicheldrüse, Leber, Milz sieht soweit gut aus ( außer einer Fettleber) Gallenblase ist schon fast 20 Jahre raus, und im US war auch in den Gängen soweit alles unauffällig.
Dazu kommt so eine leichte unterschwellige Übelkeit..
Dann gestern der Schock, die Leberwerte sind sehr hoch, und ich soll jetzt erstmal Schonkost essen, mich schonen und am Mittwoch wieder zur Blutabnahme. Sollte es jetzt am Wochenende schlimmer werden oder ich gelb werde, muss ich ins KH.
Um ehrlich zu sein, ich habe etwas Angst 😔
Kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen, ab wann Leberwerte gefährlich werden?
Du weißt das was in deinem Körper passiert, du merkst wie schlecht es dir geht.. Aber weißt nicht was genau los ist und man fühlt sich so hilflos 🥺🥺🥺
Danke schon einmal ❤️
Since Gamma-GT and AP are so high, I can’t imagine it’s just the fat liver. These values are actually typical of a constriction or blockade in the bile passages. Could be a gallstone, though you don’t have a gall bladder anymore. You don’t see it on the ultrasound. I think it would be better to let this go out in the hospital. There’s a CT or MRI.
Unfortunately, I can only mutate here as other members. If the inflammatory values are also increased, indicate liver inflammation. Even if you see only chopped values of hemoglobin and co at the top, you can also see fluctuations there. Means this has affected the further functions of the liver. This belongs to a stationary explanation, even because you have already announced to have a fat liver.
It could also have a cause in the fat liver. Please listen to your doctors here.
The thing has to be cleared, especially because you have symptoms. First, hepatitis is certainly excluded, both viral (A,B,C,E) and autoimmune hepatitis.
In the next blood test, further markers are certainly determined which were not present in the routine.
There’s no direct cutoff where you can say, “now it’s dangerous.” However, in connection with your symptoms, the values indicate a problem in liver metabolism, which should of course be found and eliminated.
Thank you for your answer. No, I have no pain, neither before or after eating.
I am 39 🙂
An intestinal reflection almost 2 years ago, it was all great.
It could be an abandoned gallstone that caused you the problems. Or an acute gastrointestinal infection.
It’s logical that you’re worried, but the next blood check will bring more clarity.
Since bile stones can also form in the liver / gall system, gallstone – gries or a stone can be present. Up to a certain size they can pass through the twelfth arm and otherwise not hang. A yellowishness occurs during a strong narrowing with time. The liver can endure a lot; after finding the cause you need a few weeks until it stabilizes again. These foods can help; also coconut as a bread spread is very good. There are some other fats and contain acids.
The reference is indicated, everything that deviates is worrying.
There are always deviations from the reference, but they are not necessarily concerned.
It’s really high. Should go to a doctor.
A doctor commissioned the laboratory and also verified it.
Right, can be on a fat liver. Avoid alcohol and fructose and palm fat in food.
I am next week Wednesday again ☺️
They become dangerous if they are permanently too high. A fat liver is already pertinent.
I think in your case, it could help if you took 20 – 25 kg.
Here’s something else in the bush… Losing alone is not enough. Even if you’re right about it.
Of course you can be right about that. I can only assume what the FS writes. And of course I’m not a doctor. I just wrote what went through my head when I read the question.