Ab wann sieht man eine Veränderung?
Mein Bruder ist über 20 und hat ein Problem. Er hat sich noch nie die Zähne geputzt und sind dementsprechend kaputt. Allerdings putzt er seit 5 Tagen mit mir zusammen, aber es ist keine Besserung in Sicht. Jetzt sehen manche Zähne eher noch rötlich aus. Wir würden ja einen Zahnarzt fragen, aber er mag keine Zahnärzte, und will das alleine durch regelmäßiges putzen schaffen. Ab wann sieht man bei schlechten Zähnen erste Besserungen?
It doesn’t work. He actually believes that the teeth – which he has never cleaned and are accordingly in need of treatment – “heals” through the teeth brushing. No! There’s only one dentist here!
Not at all! Only when he was with the dentist.
Thanks for the star 🙂
The question is whether or not he was infected with caries. If not, it may be somewhat unappetizing, but not dramatic for the teeth. Dentist can easily be removed from the dentist. If there’s caries, a dentist has to answer. The question is why he’s so scared of dentists. I think I’m more likely to start.
Great to help your brother.
Only by brushing the teeth will the condition not improve because too much is already broken.
Unfortunately, he won’t come around for a visit to the dentist.
It’s just a dental doctor. after the anesthesia you feel nothing
It doesn’t just help brush teeth. The dentist has to look. I think there’s a lot to do.
What’s that supposed to be after 20 years of not cleaned? The teeth are most likely destroyed by caries. It doesn’t help clean anymore.
a lazy potato will not be better if you cook it
Caries cannot be sputtered away, but must be treated by the dentist
Dentist must be removed professionally
strong discolorations can only be removed with bleaching
discoloration can also be removed by radiation 😉
strong discoloration after 20 years of lack of dental hygiene certainly not
The same old age
that’s too afraid, yes!
I guess there are some teeth to be pulled
So if it’s like he describes 20 years the teeth no longer cleaned, even a bleaching doesn’t bring any more colleague 😉