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Warum ist es nur so kalt wieder?
Mitte Juni, ixh saß sonst in meiner Wohnung in kurzer Hose und t Shirt, die letzten Tage aber mit Pulli. Weil ich es ohne einfach etwas frisch fand. Geht es noch jemanden so? es soll doch endlich mal wärmer werden. Vor allem Freitag, wenn Fanmeile ist.
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Stand Up Paddle?
Hallo was trägt man beim Stand up paddle am besten für Kleidung, grade wenn das Wasser noch kalt ist am besten?
Hopefully not for as long as possible. Snow in the mountains is wonderful, in the city I can truly forego snow and smooth ice.
Winter starts with us on December 21 and this season lasts until 19. March. Therefore it is more likely – if snow falls at all – that this falls from January to March instead of already in autumn (November/December)
I think at the end of November. However, I can also do without this white corpse (aka snow). If it went after me, it would not have to snow (at least in the flat country).
We usually don’t even have to be scattered about bald ice in December.
Last winter we had a week of snow and smooth ice but also not significant. Didn’t even reach the sleigh for the kids…
With me probably someday in November
At the end of December, but we have to wait for the weather reports.
Not at all
Snow???? :D:D:D:D:DD:D do you live in the mountains?