Ab wann nicht mehr ansteckend?

Hallo miteinander, ich hab seit letztem Sonntag Influenza B. D.h. es ist heute sozusagen Tag sieben. Ich fühle mich gut, immer noch schwach und habe einen trockenen Hals jedoch kein Fieber mehr etc. Bin ich noch ansteckend? Und wenn ich meinen Test wiederhole, und dieser negativ ist, heißt das, ich bin nicht mehr mehr ansteckend?

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1 month ago

Well, that you’re not super contagious anymore. It is possible that the test is now also negative.

BUT: As long as you still have symptoms, you should give your body rest in order to cure yourself properly! Virus infections are always potentially tedious and can always cause nasty consequential damage if you start too early again. And you still have disease symptoms, so you’re not fully healthy yet.

So use the weekend to give you a lot of rest, let it go, be ready!

1 month ago

You’re just the first few days contagious. The rest of the symptoms is to lead back to the repair work of the body. The test actually only indicates that virus fragments were found.

1 month ago

if the test is negative, you are no longer contagious.