Ab wann kann man es eine Sucht nennen?
Ich kaufe mir eigentlich täglich 0,5 bis zu einem ganzen Liter Cola/Spezi, das geht auch schon länger so. Wie kann ich davon loskommen, fühle mich ohne immer erschöpft. Gehe auch jeden Tag nach der Schule in den Supermarkt, fast wie eine kleine Kaufsucht. Ich habe immer das Gefühl etwas kaufen zu müssen.
Ab wann ist sowas wirklich Sucht?
I made this daily with Energy Drinks
one in the morning on the way to work and then in the evening on the way back or even at lunch.
just let it be and not buy, you get used to it
If you buy too much
The best way to get the complete money (make sure and spend only a certain number daily)
Cola pepsi problem then has another solution
Either you try to make the taste disgusting or you find a good alternative
Bsp. Air up
Yeah, that sounds like addiction. And you’re gonna go through a withdrawal. ISt the question whether the sugar or the caffeine will drop you harder. But you’ll notice for 1-2 weeks that you’re missing something and you’re bad.
I think your “small buying addiction” is a kind of reward. Sure, that’s how every addiction runs. You kick your reward center. But unlike Cola, I think shopping is very easy to replace. When it came from the thought “I’ve survived a school day, I’ve earned a velvet”, it’s very legitimate. Maybe you’re going to replace this habit with something different, which brings you feelings of happiness, but doesn’t it cost?
Search is clearly defined medically and can only be diagnosed by a doctor. This article explains which criteria must be fulfilled so that you can speak of a addiction → https://www.netdoktor.de/ Diseases/search/
What was the longest time you forgot Cola/Spezi? I can imagine that the condition of exhaustion after the stop will not last longer than a few days.
To be honest, I don’t know. On weekends I don’t drink Cola because I’m too lazy to leave the house when holidays are also, then drink at most twice a week Cola.
If you do it regularly. Well, in your case, it’s a addiction.
Don’t go to the supermarket tomorrow after school, but go home.
Then you can write how you feel 🙂
At the moment it does not sound like a addiction – simply definition of addiction googeln.
Then try to switch to Cola Zero if it should not work