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Then if the veterinarian gives the OK for that.
Can be completely different – the one rides almost to the birth, they are probably fit again faster after the birth than a mare that was simply completely left alone.
It should therefore be considered completely individual.
In Switzerland, 3 months after the birth, you can go jumping tournaments again. But this comes again indudually on the horse and also what you want. A Cavaletti series can be used earlier than a course on 1m
It depends on the state of the mare how and how long she worked before birth worde and how the birth ran
I would train you when the foal is set off again slowly….How long your horse needs until it has the corresponding muscles again, you should think I best know:)
But there are many people different.
Some see your horses as sports equipment and start with “performance sports” right after the birth of the foal…. :(it can do the horse but if it is good, the other thing is
Performance sports will start the least immediately after the birth – but keeping the mare a bit in training, even before birth, in measures (!!!), is not at all wrong for the back of the mare.
Sounds good, as willingly written as the opinions go apart.In my acquaintances, the carrying mares stand together on the coupling and are still regularly moved up to 3 months before the date of birth….but get away from the time (the 3 months before) and until the foals have been abandoned and then retrained. How to get there I think I’m left to everyone 🙂
Was just a hint how different the opinions are 😀 wasn’t meant that many would do that, but before referring to the question whether the animals could…
Anyone who runs serious performance sports does not use his mare parallel to the breeding.
Yes, absolutely. This is completely individual.
I only became aware of the “performance sports” – think it will be the least part.