Ab wann ist Sport lebensmüde?
Zum Beispiel Freerunning, Klippenspringen, Fallschirmspringen, Motorradfahren, urbexxing, trainsurfing, drogenkonsum, Autofahren, et cetera, et cetera
Zum Beispiel Freerunning, Klippenspringen, Fallschirmspringen, Motorradfahren, urbexxing, trainsurfing, drogenkonsum, Autofahren, et cetera, et cetera
wenn ich mir 2 teile geschmissen hab und die Wirkung dann nach ein paar Stunden abklingt und ich mir dann noch eins schmeiße würde es dann noch wirken ? Also mir ist klar dass es dann nicht mehr so ist wie davor aber würde das überhaupt noch wirken oder würde das nichts bringen?
Hey ich bin 14 und auf der Warteliste für die Lvr Klinik in Viersen um stationär behandelt zu werden und wollte fragen was so eure Erfahrungen mit dieser Klinik sind vielleicht auch speziell mit der K8? Bitte ehrlich sein weil habe auch “Ersatz” aber weiß nicht wo ich hin soll dehalb würden eure Antworten helfen…
Kriegt ein Vaper oder ein Kiffer schneller gesundheitliche Schäden?
7 Tage “gesponsort”.
Regarding extreme sports, I think it’s always a bit of courage (I’d like to mention your name here:) “Life tiredness”. I used to do such a sport. (Open water diving)
There are, of course, also sports where I think these people have real desire for death, e.g. Climbing around mountains without safety or cliff jumping in 30 meters height or even higher.
Thank you. Yeah, I think it’s hard to differentiate. For one, there’s something life-satisfied, which is for the other standard
All of this is associated with certain risks. However, all risks associated with the exercise of one of these activities can be minimized by appropriate preparation. Especially when it comes to drugs, it is called Safer use. Note that it is not about being exposed to risks. It’s more about avoidable risks.
Sports is always dangerous, with most accidents occurring in the household.
Sports is never life-smooth, on the contrary, life is intense.
A life killer has no Fun life and suicidal.
I was paratrooper of the légion étrangère, 2°RÉP. First war in the leap in May 1978 in Kolwezi, Congo.
Do you think one of us légionnaires was life-satisfied? On the contrary, only who really risks his life knows how it feels to live and live about. After my 6 years at the légion, my hobby was dragon and paragliding. And that because parachute jumping and flying and flying dragonflies convey an indescribable feeling of freedom. You’re alone in the sky, in a gliding flight or in a free fall, the earth’s floor comes up against you in a fasting speed, or you slide high above the earth and see the omniscience from above. Not suicides, but their opposite
You should be your personal Cowardice
do not rise to the general norm.
And then a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old dies during training in Vienna 💔
So, you think “Train – surfing” is a sport?
Strange attitude…
naja an extreme sport is already
With reference to the hype, this has been so since the beginning of the 1970s, starting from the USA.
Tower jumping, parachute jumping without parachute and previous training, generally Extermsport, and Tesla ride without previous safety training 🤣
Drug use as sports is already dared….
Those who exercise dangerous sports, in extreme environments, and in doing so, are tired of life. But you can also practice the simplest sports in a wild…
With a certain training, security and caution, no extreme sports would be “life-fatigue”.