Ab wann ist man wirklich „zugeparkt“?


Ich bin eben nach Hause gekommen und musste beim Antritt meiner Rückfahrt feststellen, dass die freien Parkplätze am Bahnhof wohl zur Rarität geworden sind.

So stellte sich einer längs hinter mein Auto.

Ich stand davor und dachte mir „Das wird niemals etwas.“

Nach dutzenden und nervenden Minuten habe ich mich endlich hinaus „rudern“ können.

Meine Frage ist: Ab wann zählt man denn wirklich als „zugeparkt“? Das raus fahren war ja möglich, aber so extremst knapp, dass einige Leute sogar schaulustig waren und die Situation beobachteten. Hätte mir die Polizei geholfen oder eher den Vogel gezeigt? Ich habe versucht eine kleine Skizze zu schaffen. Sie ist im Anhang. Der kleine Bogen oben ist in Realität nicht vorhanden.

Die Situation kann ja jedem passieren und nicht jeder fängt in der Situation an zu rudern und in gefühlten 20 Zügen auszuparken.

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2 years ago

The situation can happen to everyone and not everyone starts to rush in the situation and park in felt 20 trains.


Some people get that far less.

2 years ago

Where’s the problem?

2 years ago

Well, the drawing doesn’t look so bad. But good, in reality this is different. Otherwise: You are packed not more out.

2 years ago

20 times to have to drive back and forth is not reasonable. Now you did it, that’s the thing done.

You could have given up from the start and called the police.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  ronnyarmin

Really? Maybe the FS just can’t drive well? I only know this from old ladies with silver hair that they need help parking. Then the “Jungs” will be happy to help and instruct the driver.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vor10Minuten

On the basis of the sketch made out of memory and certainly not properly designed, it is not possible to estimate whether it was really so badly parked that it had to arrange 20 times, or whether it was on its driving skills.

2 years ago

The guideline is that an average skillful driver must be able to park with a maximum of 2x back and forth. At 20x, if I say that you’re not totally clumsy, it’s unreasonable.

2 years ago

As long as you can drive out, you’re not parked. It’s logical, right? I live in Cologne, such parking situations are completely normal.

2 years ago

Parking is not visible from your sketch.

He parked “only” opposite

2 years ago

Small insider tip, if you can park forward, you don’t have a centimeter more space… 😉

2 years ago

Hopefully you’re better now, you haven’t met my question as much distance between your and his car. The fact is that there is no more space when driving forward… Don’t feel like a “master” or I want to get cool over, it’s just pathetic as you feel like being attacked here…

2 years ago

Sorry, what has to do with “be smart”? You’re making the impression that you’re having your problems driving by car…

2 years ago

A bird doesn’t show you the police, but they don’t do much. If it’s a private car park, nothing. The police would issue a ticket for impeding parking (in public parking). Towing or moving the vehicle you have to organize yourself and then charge the costs privately to the owner. Whether you ever see the costs again is in the stars. It’s so…

2 years ago
Reply to  bikerfan73

Addendum: Police still call for the need to be documented. Helps in court.

2 years ago

If the dimensions of the sketch agree, I do not think it is a “parking”.

Parking backwards.

2 years ago

Sorry, if that’s true to scale, then the question is how long you have the driver’s license? Feeling 20 trains are definitely far too much…

Perhaps the many showlusters were so enthusiastic about your “journeys”…

2 years ago

I don’t know how to estimate this as an uninvolved person, how much distance between your car and the “parker” was there?