Ab wann ist man für Euch ein Alkoholiker?

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Ist für Euch eine Person die über 2 Jahre jeden Abend 2 -3 Gläser an Wodka trinkt ( Mit Cola ) ,eine Alkohol abhängige Person ? Ungefähr ( 150 bis 200 ml ).

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

“Alcoholics” is a serious concept of illness for me and is clearly defined as such. Alcoholics are appropriate when the medical criteria required for diagnosis are met. However, this can only be diagnosed by doctors. In the following linked article, it is explained in a simplified manner what matters.

→ Alcoholism,https://www.kenn-dein-limit.de/alcohol consumption/alcoholism/

If you want to know more precisely, you can also read the corresponding day in the ICD-11. This is a classification system for diseases in which attempts are always made to reproduce the latest medical knowledge.

6C40.2 Alcohol dependence,https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en#/http://id.who.int/icd/entity/1580466198

However, consumption does not have to be equally ill to be problematic. Regardless of whether or not a dependency can be diagnosed in your scenario, this is due to regularity and quantity of consumption that can permanently make sick in various ways.

→ Follow alcohol consumption, https://www.kenn-dein-limit.de/alcohol consumption/follow-of-alcohol/

3 months ago

So if you regularly consume alcohol daily or every weekend. There are smaller quantities every day to talk about addiction. On the weekend there are the party contests that shoot out of fun and frustration the beet is still looking if you need it.


3 months ago

The question is if he can’t drink one or two weeks. If he has a problem with it, he sees there’s a problem.

I don’t understand the consumption of alcohol at all. It’s a drug that can make quite addictive and unhealthy. I don’t know why someone should consume it that doesn’t have any problems he wants to stun.

If I don’t have any problems I want to stun, I don’t consume anything like that.

3 months ago

So 2-3 glasses of mix contain 150 ml of liquor I have understood the right thing and that every day. Then I’d say yes. The problem is he/she seeks closeness to the alcohol every day and also consumes high percentages, whether diluted.

3 months ago

yes o.k we say 3 drinks with high percentage

3 months ago

There is no doubt about this.

Those who drink only for reasons of pleasure and sociality have no alcohol problem.

There’s someone hanging on the bottle every day because he doesn’t stop it without alcohol. The health problems are likely to have already been announced despite all aggravation.

3 months ago

Of course. It’s a habit alcoholic.

3 months ago

yes this person depends

3 months ago


3 months ago

How about the definition that’s medical?

https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/alcoholic disease

3 months ago
Reply to  Emissary

“Social contact is usually only possible in the chronic stage with people who also drink a lot. In the group, they develop, mutually strengthened, an even more striking behavior, until in the state of noise the last rest of standing, consciousness and self-esteem disappears.”

What health fascist wrote that? O.o

“Or he completely loses interest in his surroundings, directs his activities after drinking and thus develops a self-pity behavior, in which he in turn “frozes” with alcohol.”


3 months ago

Yes, she is. The regular is crucial and in the amount this is also significantly harmful.