Ab wann ist man abhängigg?
Ich rauche jetzt seit ca einem Monat jeden Tag mit einer Freundin oder einem Freund zusammen 3-6 Joints und davor hab ich immer mal wieder einen geraucht. Ich genieße es schon sehr, aber ich frage mich langsam ob ich schon in einer Abhängigkeit bin? Woran merkt man das und ist das was ich rauche zu viel? Ich kenne mich nicht sehr gut aus deswegen frage ich
If you enjoy it very much, you are a addiction very close or already in the middle. If you can’t live without it until you’re addicted.
You can’t say that. I have always enjoyed smoking with colleagues joints, trying out different and exotic varieties, and most of them daily for years. Nevertheless, I didn’t freak out, or if you didn’t smoke for a few days/weeks, and I didn’t find it hard on the contrary. I think that’s very much about how to stand for the drug and whether you smoke cigarettes like that. So you can also enjoy very much without addiction; should always keep in mind that breaks are important!
You’ll find that as soon as you stop smoking. People react individually. Therefore, it cannot be answered in a flat-rate manner. Besides, it makes a big difference what you smoke, whether cannabis pure or cannabis with tobacco…
Too much…? The answer depends on how much you want to harm you.
Smoking is always extremely harmful. In the case of tobacco consumption, there are mainly injury which will become visible later. The damage begins with a strongly restricted sense of smell and taste. It starts very early. Tobacco consumption has an extreme dependency potential.
In cannabis, especially in younger people, it is different.
It has been proven that a joint can be sufficient to cause irreversible brain damage in the brain of children and adolescents. Note the conjunctive.
Current studies draw a clear picture.
Our Prof Lauterbach hasn’t warned about this for months, as he is driving cannabis legalization.
Whoever smokes cannabis and tobacco together, in which the dependency applies correspondingly earlier, in conjunction with the related damages caused by cannabis consumption.
As it behaves explicitly with you, it can only be suspected from a distance. You should trust a doctor and talk through it.
Thank you.
Germ 👍ðŸ ̃‰
If you can’t go without it, you’re dependent