Ab wann ist Koks wirklich schädlich?
Hab zur Zeit viele psychische Probleme (mein Abitur nicht geschafft) und noch anderes.
Und ich nehme zur Zeit oft leichtere Drogen wie Pep ziehen, Gras oder Alkohol.
Bin ein Mädchen. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt, mein körperlicher Zustand ist gesund.
Ich wollte wissen, wenn ich jetzt anfangen würde zu koksen, wie lange dauert das bis sich meine Zähne verschlechtern usw. Ich habe bisschen Respekt. Aber ich finde wenn es mir schon schlecht geht, sind mir diese Stunden auf Drogen, wo ich mich gut fühle sehr viel wert. Bin in einer Jugendgruppe von Jungs in meinem Alter gelandet die das relativ regelmäßig machen & die wirken nicht so als würden die versifft aussehen oder das ganze Leben verkakt haben. Ich habe eh nichts zu verlieren (außer mein schönes Aussehen, aber das verliert man eh wenn man alt wird)
Und wollte fragen was man bei dem Konsum beachten soll? Bitte kommt nicht mit es ist illegal usw. Ich bin nicht so gut aufgeklärt.
Whoever thinks he has nothing to lose, just because the Abi was not passed, does not need drugs, but perspective. You can certainly try again next year, can’t you? It’s nothing to repeat. I did too. As soon as you have a unique testimonial, you don’t care if you needed a little longer or not.
If you don’t care, please talk to someone about it. With friends, parents, teachers or even the family doctor. The Number against grief you have an open ear for you. Whatever it is. The speaking times are restricted there, however. The Telephone care you reach someone around the clock.
As for your actual question: There is no rule for how long it takes for the consumption of cocaine (or other drugs). This is different from person to person and situation to situation and depends not least on what is actually consumed. It’s never safe with illegal drugs. Trusting dealers or buddies would be naive. You can only secure yourself with drug-checking. More information here: https://www.eve-rave.org/drogen-abc/drugchecking/
General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
In coke, there are 4 which occur regularly.
By the way, every 100th German is occasionally coke for his life.
That’s 800,000 Germans.
Or a ton of coke.
dark digit goes brr
It’s not so dark
Survey of 1,000,000 people.
2.3% have coked the half coke to the beyond. But only rarely…
Hard drug was almost always like that.
The short answer? From the first time. You deliberately poison yourself, it can’t be good. But then there’s the effect. It’s horny and the mouse doesn’t bite a thread. A few times it can go through to play. Irregular. So the body has time to get rid of the poison again. In the end, it makes you age faster, break faster. And then the question arises, do you really want that? For such stupid as ten minutes of kick? A kick you get, for example, on a rollercoaster. You get it when you give yourself sex with the horniest guy at school. If you simply dive into the world of dance in the sound of music.
I for myself, was a long-term development and there were a lot of drugs, I found it doesn’t need it.
And about your Abitur. It goes without life. Or in the second run. I did, with 24. At 16 I had the nose full of school.
I guess 1-2x will force the body if it remains
Everything about it is unhealthy, especially regular ._.
How fast is it? I don’t know how fast it can go
Unless one reacts sensitively or is heart disease or something. A so-called cocaine shock is an allergic reaction which can quickly become dangerous.
Says: Safer Use > Fantastic to target dose, https://drogen.wikia.org/en/wiki/SaferUse#Herantasten_an_target dose
I think you need a perspective and I think that you can answer your question very well on your own, but don’t want to see it so you could try your Abi again or you can think about what training you want to do or what fun you can do in training at the same time I wish you a lot of success and if you have many mental problems would be a gang to therapist the best you need to do but get clean
You’re 19, Di doesn’t know how much you still have to lose. Cocaine is really not a good drug to cope with mental problems, it is simply not done. The physical damage of coke is quite high, and at some point nasal consumption becomes too expensive because you always need higher amounts. That’s why you’re going to change to i.v. consumption or crack, and then you’ve basically signed your death sentence.
The dilapidated faces seen in the media are absolute extreme examples. Sure drugs are harmful but you don’t get your teeth out so fast.
I’d tell you about it.
So on google you’ll find some information, have already spent a lot of time there and so some gegooglet (xtc lsd koks meth gras etc. so it feels everything!)
yes I and my friend wanted to test it all due and what came out was just stupid but the horniest time.
I can’t really answer your real question what you’ve noticed…
If you want to land on the street then much fun lol
Kiff rather brings just as horny feelings and you have far less worries to get out of vllt ne psychosis.
Oh and smoke if you mean using tobacco, I would let you be out of experience.
and generally to your situation, if you don’t care so much, then a lot goes wrong.
I know how this can be, but I also know what drugs of that kind mean, coke is one of the most violent substances, because you’re more you.
I often take lighter drugs like pep
Pep is one of the so-called Hardn Drugn!
I wanted to know if I started cooking now, how long does it take to deteriorate my teeth, etc. I have a little respect.
You’ve lost your respect, or you wouldn’t use hard drugs.
I wanted to know if I would start cooking now, how long does it take to deteriorate my teeth, etc. If I’m bad, these hours are worth on drugs, where I feel good.
Don’t worry about coke and take ICE! It works faster and you’ll be really good at it in time. It’s not as expensive as coke.
I have nothing to lose (except my beautiful appearance, but you lose it when you get old)
What are you waiting for? Take some lines.
*Ironie off
You have no mental problems, you have a drug problem!
So let the nonsense be completely, otherwise you might find yourself somewhere else, and you certainly don’t want to.
Just coke – I only find your desire for it full asi.
And if you didn’t get your Abi, consider why, and repeat the exam!!!
And stop pushing everything on mental problems…
Don’t do it. Once coke always coke and your money becomes less and less time
Have no idea that most kokser are only occasions kokser
🤦 ♂️🤦 Just be quiet if you don’t understand it before you just let out bullshit.