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Low earner is about 1000 €, you are normal earner from about 2000 € and top earner from about 3000 €.
That’s just what I suspect. If you want to know exactly, you need to google on the Internet.
This applies only to singles. If you need to provide a family with 4 children, these numbers are no longer valid. Then it can also be that you are a low earner with 3000 or 4000 €.
That is why the comparison of net-seeds is also completely sense-free.
Hard to answer in particular because nice for everyone is different. somewhere between 3000-4000 net you come to the Top10% net earners in Germany
Thinking everything under 1800 is relatively little. So is everything in between normal?
with 4000€ net you are not a top earner yet
On the one hand, the questioner asked for good earners 😉
On the other hand, I said you’re one of the top10% whether you’re packing the 10% to the good or top is really no matter what.
You definitely deserve more than 90% of people in Germany.
Again, what is your point? After statistics you jump somewhere between 3000-4000 net over the 10% mark. Whatever you sign this is your thing. You deserve more than 90% of all others in Germany.
I know a well-known who earns 3000€ net and is called a totally normal earner
Please, here a gross overview (only a brutto view makes sense).
net is meant, not gross!
A net view makes little sense.
In addition, this is gross 😉
Yes, I understand, but it seems that the questioner is not. Most people are only interested in how much is in the account.
1.195€ this would be far below the minimum wage and more a training salary than a salary