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2 years ago

The corresponding regulation is §22a IfSG.

Until 30.09. you are considered completely vaccinated if you have either got two vaccinations or a vaccination + recovery.

From 1 October, three vaccinations or two vaccinations + recovery are considered to be completely vaccinated. It doesn’t matter how long the vaccinations have been.

2 years ago

As far as I know you’re from the 2nd. Vaccination completely vaccinated as long as it is not older than 6 months at 3. Vaccination I don’t know, but there’s no 4. So I think you’re completely vaccinated

2 years ago

In the meantime, with three vaccinations, at least in AT, this is the basic immunization (comparable with, for example, the Hep B vaccination). Is probably also adapted in DE.

2 years ago

Even from two.