Ab wann gilt man als vollständig geimpft?
Meine Schule hat eine Testwoche, in der man sich 3 mal testen muss, es sei denn man ist geimpft oder immunisiert. Ich bin dreimal geimpft und hatte meine letzte Impfung im Januar. Gelte ich noch als vollständig geimpft?
The corresponding regulation is §22a IfSG.
Until 30.09. you are considered completely vaccinated if you have either got two vaccinations or a vaccination + recovery.
From 1 October, three vaccinations or two vaccinations + recovery are considered to be completely vaccinated. It doesn’t matter how long the vaccinations have been.
As far as I know you’re from the 2nd. Vaccination completely vaccinated as long as it is not older than 6 months at 3. Vaccination I don’t know, but there’s no 4. So I think you’re completely vaccinated
In the meantime, with three vaccinations, at least in AT, this is the basic immunization (comparable with, for example, the Hep B vaccination). Is probably also adapted in DE.
Even from two.