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2 years ago

There is no fist formula for this. Physical like trembling etc. in some perhaps after a year of daily consumption, in others not even after decades at all. Psychic dependence is something different, which comes relatively fast and can be there after a few months, but is also different in each person.

Looks like a math task with X. The X is the individual person and depending on what you use for X you have a variety of results.

1 year ago


Alcohol addiction has nothing to do with the crowd. Because alcoholics feel comfortable when they drink alcohol, they don’t even think they’re alcoholics. And outsiders can’t know if someone drinks too much alcohol or depends on it.

Most of them only understand that they might have an alcohol problem if the alcohol plays a driving chair. You’ll need the alcohol in the morning to not tremble, but the stomach will send him back. When the first swallow finally stays in, they’re fixed and ready. But even then most do not surrender.

Anonymous alcoholics like to share their knowledge with you.

2 years ago

You can be alcoholic for years and still have no withdrawal symptoms (if any, no physical) when you put the alcohol off. This should be done under medical supervision, otherwise it can even become dangerous.

2 years ago

Most of the time you ask yourself! Go to the internet and make a self-test. But, be honest with you, they’re not so hard to look through.

2 years ago
Reply to  Arksor

Don’t have to.

So it’s dangerous to drink alcohol regularly. This can lead to a dependency relatively quickly. It’s starting harmless. And is not unpleasant, on the contrary. But then there’s an increase in the dose. The first alarm signal is when you start drinking secretly.

Second, if a friend says you’d drink a lot!

But then most of the time the addiction has already begun!

The more you pull the tear line, the greater the chances to get away again.

2 years ago

That’s why I haven’t been drinking for 7 weeks because you think alcoholics are drinking in the morning