Ab wann gibt es 1000hz Gaming Monitore?
Aktuell liegt das Limit, meines Wissens, bei 500hz.
Was glaubt ihr wann wir die ersten 1000hz Modelle sehen werden?
Mit der OLED Technik sollten solche Monitore ja theoretisch kein Problem mehr sein, zudem könnten 8000hz Mäuse dann auch ihren Vorteil ausspielen.
In einem Artikel von 2017 war die Rede davon das wir solche Monitore bereits 2025 sehen könnten, glaubt ihr das es 2025 schon so weit sein wird, oder wird es länger dauern?
I don’t think it would be very useful. Even the fastest brain has its limits and I think much more than what is possible with today’s technology does not need it. But who knows? At that time Bill gates also meant nobody needs more than 640kb memory in his PC…
The scanning rate of the mouse has nothing to do with the image repetition rate of the monitor. Why do you think that?
And at some point you don’t want anything else…
You also need a quick monitor for a quick mouse, otherwise you do not feel the higher polling rate at all. Currently, 8000hz are still complete overkill, for 500hz monitors, 4000hz are more than enough.
A higher sampling rate reduces the latency between input and processing, so it has nothing to do with the monitor. How far this makes sense depends on the person, not on the display device. The image repetition rate and monitor latency is then again a further factor for itself, which reduces the total latency.
This is absolutely irrelevant in 99.99% of cases, since the reaction time of the human being in section is significantly greater than the overall light of the computer system. Means a trained e-lever would beat any “normal” gamer with the latest top hardware in length even with a 5€ mouse and a 60Hz monitor and 5ms reaction time.
As said when the monitor is too slow you can see or do not feel the higher sampling rate. Although my mouse can theoretically also 8000hz, I only use 1000hz because my old monitor can only 180hz, especially since the runtime is then also significantly lower.
It’s about making it more fun and feeling better, but you don’t get much better.
With a 5€, however, no e-learner will beat a “Normalo”, rather with a 30€ mouse.
I don’t think you mean 8000hz mice, but DPI. That’s a difference.
But I have my mice with 8000hz
OK, thanks for the info. I’ve probably never been interested because I can only buy radio mouse and my notebook can “only” 120Hz.
I have to look next year if I buy a new notebook for GTA6 if I could get something. Thank you.
There is also a lot of radio mouse with 8000hz
Be honest about his no seeing value added. Not in mice or keyboards. There’s hardly any difference in monitors.
In the case of keyboards, there is no difference, except they are analogue, in mice it is also rather small and it comes to the monitor. In the monitor, however, one has the greatest difference, as one not only gets the more liquid image here, but much lower laths in the image.