Ab wann bzw. bei wem würdet iht Körpergewalt anwenden?
Ist es normal, dass man während einer Psychotherapie einen Durchhänger hat? Wie geht man am besten damit um?
Hi Ich wollte fragen wenn man sich selbstverletzt ob dies so schlimm ist weil eine Freundin hat gesagt des es schon schlimm sei
Früher wollte ich Freunde haben, aber ich litt unter sozialen Ängsten. Also habe ich ein Hobby begonnen, und es hat tatsächlich geholfen. Ich wurde offener und fand gute Freunde, die ich sehr schätze und mag. Dann stellte ich jedoch fest, dass meine sozialen Probleme daher rührten, dass ich nicht für mich einstehen konnte und nur…
Ich mach gerade mein Ausbilder Schein bei der hwk und es geht nichts in mein Kopf und ich versteh nichts von dem was ich lese ich mach mir so viel Druck und hab Panik die ganze Zeit ich hab nur noch 2 Wochen Zeit, ich hab so Angst. Die fragen die ich lese sind unverständlich…
Hallo, kurz zu mir. Ich bin Mitte Zwanzig ind Deutschland geboren, jedoch sind meine Wurzeln wo anders. Ich habe nun seit knapp einem Jahr eine Beziehung und komme soweit gut mit den Eltern klar. Ich helfe wo ich kann und bin immer höflich und korrekt zu allen aus der Familie. Es fing an mit den…
From the moment when it is not different / necessary.
(And no, this moment cannot be defined in advance, it depends on the actual situation.)
If someone, for example, wants to distort my child in a public place, or starts hitting it because it has done something (e.g. bicycle accidentally thrown around)
Even if a spoiled animal goes on me or my family(whyever).
Boy go to therapy with your violent fantasies! You can only use this as a last means of self-protection and not at all!
Honestly never, I doubt that I would do that in emergency, or if you don’t react instinctively. From my own will, I would never think I would. But I still haven’t had a lot of situations where I could have gained experience in this. I’m always a nice and open person. Would even offer a burglar to seek a consultancy if he is forced by any factors to break into foreign houses. That basically doesn’t make anyone voluntary, except he feels totally in need because of financial or other factors.
If others are attacked as emergency aid or I. Warning: with a martial athlete you shouldn’t be struggling with muscle power.
Violence is not a solution and therefore I would never use violence.
Only exception: self-defense. I think that is not violence.
At the latest when you attack me or someone else. 😡
If I had to protect my own family from an attack, and also to defend myself.
Don’t worry. Highest in affect.
Ohhhh, since I’m blocked now, I can finally answer without letting them delete everything immediately.
Well, I would use violence in people who feel it as completely normal that several (!!!!) adult men beat a kindergarten child sick-home-ready because with another child, it has sneaked for banalities.
This depends entirely on the situation. This cannot be answered on a flat-rate basis.
To someone who exercises body power on me as part of self-defense.
if I am exposed to a physical attack or if it is immediately
I don’t know. It’s hard to say.
Let me say that. I often have a lot of despair in me because I just don’t get clear in my life. If there’s a situation in which I’ll tell a person to attack a miserable person, I don’t know what’s going on and if I’d let my whole frustration out. Would that be excessive? Maybe. It would be dangerous. Both for the other and for me. Because I have to fight very hard with constraints, and I live more for freedom. And then maybe that’s gonna be so bad for everything and let everything out.
physical attack
If there’s any weaker violence.
Pets, children, old people.
I would tend to, but I don’t know if I were so strong to go in between when I’m honest. Even if I want it.
I describe myself as a non-socially relevant good (in the rough sense). And whoever the perpetrator is distracted long enough that the injured can disappear has won at least one.
If I’d rather see it like this, but if that would be the case at such a moment, I don’t know. I had no comparable situation.
I can rather get one on the roof than a helpless person or animal
Oh. And you mean you’re doing something and don’t just look away or what? I’m too stupid to understand what you mean.
My cost Benefit factor is not currently given and questionable in the future
What do you mean socially not relevant?
To defend me.
From 0:00.