When should a doctor tell me about a concussion?

Hey guys, I got a big headache today and now the left side of my brain, or rather my head, hurts and I'm tired. I haven't thrown up or anything, but I'm sleepy and my head hurts, but my parents told me to just rest. Should I go to the hospital or pediatrician tomorrow? What should I do?

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2 years ago

Moin also had a few damages (superweight) after my third fight. In the hospital, and all the tests made in neurology/aders have been checked to the head… MRT & etc…. In the end, severe skull swelling came out. No matter if you don’t have a headnut or a brat pan to the doctor. Do not think you have something, but go to safety (uncannyly important).

There’s no one here who can diagnose you and ride your head over the Internet.

Gang to the doctor, in my opinion, would be very important.

Good improvement Knallkopp!

2 years ago
Reply to  Miau12345229n

I can only recommend a visit if it doesn’t get better. But you better sit down first and see what you’re doing tomorrow.

2 years ago

Moin’s new? How are you?

Martin Müller
2 years ago

Hi. Sounds like I’m really skullful. Whether you go to the doctor you have to decide for yourself, it will disappear from the next few days the feeling.

However, nausea should break dizziness, disorder of consciousness etc then at least get into the KH.

2 years ago

First of all, in the case of a concussion (commotio cerebri), one can only calm or calm. Make bed rest. If necessary, you can also take generous painkillers such as Paracetamol (no aspirin recommended for anti-rinking effects!)

At home you can observe signs such as consciousness, eye motors, pupil reaction (light into the pupils with a lamp), general motor skills, sensitivity and reflexes.

In case of a deterioration, you should visit a doctor.

If after the 24h nothing should deteriorate, one should usually not worry much.

Lars Wilkening
2 years ago

If you get headaches, feel nausea, or you have to surrender, you should definitely go to the hospital.

2 years ago
Reply to  Miau12345229n

Call the medical standby service (T. 116 117).

Lars Wilkening
2 years ago
Reply to  Miau12345229n

is difficult by remote diagnosis. You look normal, your pupils are the same, etc. It’s unusual you’re tired now…. If you’re insecure, call the 116117 and a doctor will come home and look at it.