Ab wann als Lernfahrer A1 auf Autobahn Schweiz?

Wann darf man als Lernfahrer in der Schweiz auf die Autobahn?

Keine Antworten von Leuten die nur die Autoprüfung haben oder einfach keine Ahnung in dem gebiet, denn man darf ohne Mitfahrer mit dem L auf die Autobahn, das weiss ich, danke!

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2 years ago

In Switzerland you can use a training card on the motorway as soon as you are ready for examination. This is the case with the motorcycle / scooter (A1/A) must surely be completed the basic course and best known for a test date. In the car (B) it is so that when you go on the highway with the instructor for the first time or you have an appointment for the exam. The law is very stupid here. In concrete terms, it is known that motorways can be operated if you are ready for examination.

2 years ago

As far as I can know, with the L at A1 everything is on take-away and abroad. I think AB should go if the scooter creates at least 80kmh but best ask in a driving school or at road traffic office.

I had also made A1 but then with one of the only 65 kmh running, so I don’t know that anymore.