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7 months ago


Here you can read about the consequences: themes/how-alcohol-das-gehirn-junger-menscher-schaedigt/

7 months ago

Officially, you can only take alcohol with 14 if you drink alcoholic medicine and normal grape juice. All in addition is very worrying.

I was also young 14 years old and therefore also knows how tempting it is to break the rules on alcohol until you have a choir or more. But if you want to be good at school and want to learn easily, please be smarter than I did. (I had my first alcohol as a kindergarten child.)

The younger you are, for example, starting with alcohol, the faster your body gets used to a certain amount, so that it can also get a addiction and dependency very quickly, with unfavorable predisposition of the body and/or your psyche. A few of my former primary school pupils have been multi-criminal and multi-drug-dependent.

7 months ago

If you drink alcohol with 14, it doesn’t matter how much, there’s the problem that’s going to be drunk at all.

7 months ago

At 14? If you drink more than a few beers in a period of weeks or months.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

If you drink tougher alcohol than beer with 14 you have a problem with alcohol. I’d advise you to call a phone-soul service or search advice. Because if you consume a lot of alcohol at such a young age, you are literally mentally handicapped.