Ab gehauen von Zuhause was Tun?

Hey ich bin Laura16officail ich bin 16 Jahre alt und bin von Zuhause abgehauen ( aus Gründen die ich hier Nicht erwähnen Möchte da sie zu Privat Sind) Werde seit 4 Tagen Gesucht von der Polizei wisst Ihr was ich machen soll? ( bitte keine Antworten wie geh nach Hause die Finden dich eh oder So) Danke im voraus für die Hilfe liebe Grüße..

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1 year ago

Hi, Laura, you acted perfectly right. You saved yourself from a toxic situation.

Now is the question where can you go?

Is there in your life a person who loves you unconditionally and whom you can trust blindly? Grandma, aunt.. pretty best friend/friend?

If there should be someone contact this person immediately. She’ll help you and protect you.

Or look for a reference person fighting for the rights and protection of children.

e.g. Carsten Stahl https://www.camp-stahl.de/

or VDSIS https://www.vdsis.de/

Maybe there are so-called “children’s houses” in your city. Here are usually very well trained warm-hearted caregivers who can give you help on all questions.

Call the police and tell them you’re okay and there’s no suicide risk. You’ll report back as soon as you find a solution to your problems.

And now good luck – head up – you can do this – stay strong

1 year ago
Reply to  DerLiveCoach

This is a “great building” and the parents seem right to be afraid.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerLiveCoach

This “steel” would be the last one I would recommend.

1 year ago

I honestly don’t understand why you’re acting like that…

Instead of going to the youth office and getting professional help right away to get away from home.

It doesn’t matter to you. Nobody forces you to stay home. You can go somewhere else, but with help, support and support. That’s what you need. I don’t think you want to live alone on the street.

You can simply go to the police station and tell everything and insist that the youth office is switched on immediately and the situation is resolved immediately. Or you’re going to the youth office.

But given the time, the police would be best.

1 year ago

Hey, I know I’m late, but!

If you have any problems, I can help you!

In Germany there are paragraphs 8a! You can call the 110 and provide care. YOU’RE GOING IN OBHUT!

In larger cities like Frankfurt am Main, and Hamburg, as well as Berlin there are children and youth protection phone there you can also call!

The police will experientially send a strip of car, take you to the guard, your parents informing you that’s good, and bring you in custody. The care name address, your parents usually don’t know.

Tell the police to call (110) in the patrol car and on the guard, as well as the care of Nahme, what’s going on! THE IS GANZ IMPORTANT!

Z.b. I will be beaten, abused etc!

You stay in the custody until a solution is found! You won’t be sent back to your parents!

1 year ago

If you were to mention why you went away, more concrete tips could be given to you.

Sometimes there is misleading or unexistent communication or it is much worse – such as abuse.

Should the latter be:



1 year ago

Don’t go home. The fact that we are re-entered by weeping parents and then everything becomes good does not have to be reality.

In the most unfavorable case, you won’t get pocket money anymore, the cell phone picked up and the key too, so you won’t get back. Your parents don’t have a shock to stress with the police and the youth office and not to pay a bunch of money for youth assistance.

1 year ago

Google to youth emergency service in the county or town where you are right now.

You can usually just show up 24/7 and come down first.

It should be better than on the street.

The police will then inform you that you are there and don’t look for you anymore.

From there you can see how it goes on, whether you want to go back after a short break and talks with your parents, or whether you want to be taken by the Youth Office Inobhut and get into a group or youth WG.

As long as this is clear, you can usually stay with the youth emergency service.

1 year ago

You can say that.

Then you will look for a supervised WG space or a group of apartments for you.

Everything is better than living on the street with 16.

1 year ago

Don’t say that too loud, otherwise you’ll be right in the childhood and youth psychiatry and blame you and your behavior for not working at home

1 year ago

Then you’ll never know how many great moments life still keeps ready for you.

Time at the moment may be difficult, but it can look quite different in a few weeks.

Why don’t you go to the youth emergency service first, or call it before.

Here you can find the phone number and address for Berlin:


1 year ago

Go home, only there can problems be solved. they don’t just disappear.

Much like talking about it, you’re anonymous here. how else can you be given advice

1 year ago
Reply to  peterobm

Some parents are the problem.

1 year ago

It sounds so stupid, but you have to face the conflict at some point. I also think that the Youth Office is the best point of contact.

1 year ago

You can live a maximum of one or two months outside without getting sick. I suggest you turn to the youth office, tell them what’s going on, not as you did here, but all the details. The more details you tell them, the better. And you should tell them if you come back to your parents’ house, then you’ll run away. Then you can’t get there anymore.

Alternatively, a group of people, a collection family or a temporary children’s home would be. Then exactly what the problem is and it will then try to help you.

1 year ago

It’s never a good solution. You’re already being searched by the police, probably sleeping outside, the money will go out for you in the foreseeable time. It is a relief at the first moment, but it is not a solution after a short time. Why don’t you go to your competent youth office and ask for assistance. Then you can take care of your future outside your probably difficult family circumstances.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sanja2

With 16 you are no longer a child

6 months ago

you’re youthful. What is your reference to my answer?

6 months ago

If icb was a child I wouldn’t be here you don’t have to react to my answer if you’re annoyed go where andres then

6 months ago

Okay, I’ll finish this right here. You are obviously still a child who gives a comment that has no connection to my answer and then becomes jacky and unharmed in demand. But that doesn’t even notice, it doesn’t claim to attack anyone.

6 months ago

I don’t touch anyone I convince my strength I mean with 16 you’re not a child anymore

6 months ago

I don’t question that, I don’t understand your attacks!

6 months ago

You are not a child anymore point quite simply I don’t discuss it about you have 16 right as an adult and if you can’t respect it then bad luck but I think you must be in bed my child

1 year ago

Go to the Youth Office

1 year ago

You could go to the women’s house if something’s free.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fukemall

The FS would have to go to the police.

The addresses of the women’s houses are not freely accessible for reasons.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fukemall

Minors without mother’s accompaniment are not included there

1 year ago

Can you tell me where you are now?

What is the reason for your escape? These are things that can be solved, but you have to give us something.

1 year ago

You live on the street?

There are shelters in every major city.

1 year ago

No one can actually help you with the chunks you’re going to throw us.

1 year ago

Now. Please.

At some point, you’ll look back and be proud that you made it.

1 year ago

It’ll be better, I promise.

You can’t go deeper. You can be helped.

Go to the shelter and explain your problem to them. They’ll help you.

1 year ago

Why do you think that?

1 year ago

How exactly do you imagine?

You can help you at any time, even through the youth office. But you have to articulate what your problems are.

Only one thing I can tell you: life on the street will make you unhappy in the long term.

1 year ago

Well, what do you expect from us for answers? You will be found sooner or later. So you only hesitate to go out. It’s best to contact the youth office.

1 year ago

What are you doing now?

You’re a minor and the police are looking for you. You won’t be left to go home or report to the police to waste even more resources for you. Do you have any idea what a stake?

Running away does not solve problems. You’ll have noticed that by now.

6 months ago
Reply to  MaryLynn87

what should the police look for them is adult and can decide themselves and yes run away solve problems very well

6 months ago
Reply to  MaryLynn87

Would you like it if I tickled your feet every morning and that all the time?

1 year ago

Go home