From January 1, 2024, VAT will be raised again from 7% to 19%. There are fears of waves of restaurant bankruptcies?

Our government is raising VAT again at 19% as of January 1, 2024. The catering association fears that many local hotels, restaurants, etc. will go bankrupt. The managing director of the catering business where my daughter works in the kitchen informed the employees that their family business is facing closure in January 2024 because the government is raising catering costs again, making food, electricity and gas more expensive and guests staying away. Now, as is inevitable, the government has to ruin everything because the people at the top get allowances and big salaries and everything is free, and the small family businesses are going under and nobody cares. Instead of the German economy going up, we are heading towards chaos. As strong as our country once was, we have become just as weak in the EU. What do you think?

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1 year ago

With permission: VAT will not be increased again.

The exception to its reduction due to corona and energy crime is simply going out. That’s not surprising either. It was established from the outset that the reduction should not be permanent.

We are now returning to normality because circumstances no longer justify the derogation. Of course it doesn’t fit everyone. No one likes to give back any comforts, even if from the beginning they are not long.

1 year ago

That’s the normal tax rate that was before. That’s why closing seems strange. Inflation is falling rapidly. In Belgium it is already negative at -1.7%. It would also have to be noticed in the gastronomy in shopping. It seems therefore excessive to close companies now. In this case, there are probably other reasons why the tax is still a convenient excuse.

1 year ago

The VAT rate is not increased, but a temporary reduction in the VAT rate for gastronomy is not extended. This temporary reduction was intended as a bridging aid for Corona and never planned for ever. That’s a difference.

By the way, the fewest gastronomics have passed on the temporary reduction in VAT to the guests, because ultimately, as final consumers, they pay this tax. Most have simply increased the amount they have retained for themselves…

Economic problems also have nothing to do with the EU. Other countries are also EU members and they are better. Economically, the EU is the best thing Germany could do. Finally, there is no regulation within the EU which was decided against Germany. The problems are homemade in Germany.

1 year ago

Who sacked the temporary reduction of VAT?

With increases, the whining is always great but if there are somewhere favors there is tacitly inserted

1 year ago

Citizens have chosen the parties themselves, so blame themselves. We are now living in recession and this will probably collapse the economy next year through many analyses. This can be seen in the United States as being highly indebted, and perhaps there will be 3rd World War;)

1 year ago

Whoever goes to eat pays that more. At least, 7 to 19 percent are 12 percent more. These are 12 cents more at 10 Euros. Nobody breaks up.