A320 managed alt Modus geht nicht?
Hallo, wenn ich Versuche den managed alt Modus anzumachen, geht es zwar, aber er hat erstens nicht die vorgegebene höhe und wenn ich die höhe einmal manuell ändere geht er nicht mehr an. Managed speed mode geht auch ohne Probleme. Cstr ist an und der Flugplan geht auch. Außerdem ist das Flugzeug im Nav Modus.
Well, the NAV mode refers only to the lateral part of the autopilot, i.e. whether the aircraft follows, for example, the route of your flight plan or (if HDG would stand there) flies in a specific direction. This has nothing to do with the height. Just like Managed Speed. The FMA in your PFD is designed so that it displays the mode on the left (MAN FLEX, THR IDLE, THR CLMB..) to which the engines (more precisely follow the FADECS), then the vertical mode of the FMGC (i.e. [OP] CLB, [OP] DES, ALT) then the Lateral mode (NAV, HDG, LOC). the fourth gives information relevant to the landing (Minima and the Approach Capability) and, most recently, information on whether and which flight directors, autopilot and autothrust are activated. So it would be important to know in what mode you found in the second column and which height should have reached the plane, at what level did you activate the mode and there were any constraints?
Hello, I solved the problem in the meantime. Once I found out that, for example, when I set 2,000 feet as a limit, I have to set higher than 2,000 feet, so for example directly the altitude of the trip so that it sticks to the limit. Thank you so much.
Sure, is it logical? If you entered as a limit of 2000, but in the FCU only set 1500, he ignores the constraint in the ascent. The same applies, of course, even if you fall and at the 2000 foot example e.g. 4000.