A2 Motorrad leisten?

Also ich mache bald Auto und A2 die Führerscheine und des Auto bezahlen meine Eltern das Motorrad muss ich selber bezahlen habe mich Mal informiert und Probe gesessen was mir gefallen ist die MT07, MT09 und die Z900 da ich 192 bin finde ich eine Supersportler zu unbequem, wie könnte ich das Geld bekommen denn neu kostet so ein Motorrad ja schon 10K dann nach Sprit etc bin 16/5 wie könnte ich bis 18 das Geld verdienen.


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2 years ago

The expensive motorcycle is not the purchase but the maintenance. You won’t be able to afford it with 18.

By the way, the Z900 is slightly low at your size. However, you have to feel comfortable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Itachii162

Yes, the MT07 is higher.

2 years ago

The fuel is not the problem either.

The insurance, inspections, wear parts, tires etc. will become quite expensive.

For my machine:

Insurance: 180€

Car tax: 69€

Sprit: 1400€ (approx. 14,000km)

Inspections: 1x small 160€, 1x large 400€

Tire set: 2x 350€ incl. Assembly

There are also other wear parts like brake pads, chain set every 2 years…. (~300€)

This results monthly ~270€. New motorcycle clothes, accessories (bags, levers, etc.), motorcycle meetings, nights etc. not included.

2 years ago

As I said, the acquisition is not the problem.

2 years ago

What are you gonna give you some help? You should look for a side job, depending on what your professional career is. And, of course, save. You don’t even get so much money in a few months.

That’s why you should screw down your requirements and buy a used motorcycle first. It is even more sensible than beginners and in the young years with insurance.

The only real tip I can give is that of course you can also finance a vehicle. But you have to have a firm job for that. There’s a little side job, and the parents don’t live. Here you could ask your parents if they let the financing go and you give them the money. Talk to them about it.

2 years ago

So I’ll give you a good tip. If you’re in training, you can’t afford car + motorcycle! And if you want to do this, you need to dispense with luxury goods, the only thing your money is insurance, petrol, tires, maintenance etc. And believe me, I know what I’m talking about

2 years ago

Work. Easy.

If it is not enough, you can also pay on rates for many dealers

2 years ago

The mt09 and z900 you can drive at the earliest with 20.

The mt07 is currently used for about 6000€. You can’t do anything wrong with that.

I was working after school, for example, for 1 year to be able to afford me a mt07.

PS: I just happen to sell a mt07.

2 years ago

Look for mini jobs like helping out at the supermarket or in the gastro. It must be compatible with your available time.

To the motorcycle: I have had the MT-07 as A2 motorcycle and now as A Motorcycle the MT-09. These are both very good motorcycles and are fun driving. I can only recommend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Schurzi21

But the sound of mt07 is better, isn’t it?

2 years ago
Reply to  eciruam100

So the stock sound is definitely better at the MT-09. The MT-07 sounds like a vacuum cleaner. On the MT-07 I then built a sports exhaust of SC-Project on it, then the bike has listened reasonably. On the MT-09 I now have the MIVV GP Pro and I find it better from the sound than the SC from the MT-07.