A2 Motorrad – Drosseln?

Servus zusammen,

ich möchte nächstes Jahr als Einsteiger den A2 Führerschein machen.

Nach einiger Recherche interessiert es mich ob es sinnvoller ist direkt ein A2 Motorrad zu kaufen (350ccm oder ähnliches) oder direkt eine große Maschine drosseln. Ich schwanke zwischen einer CB650R/600RR oder eine Z900.

Hat das Drossel irgendwelche Nachteile abgesehen von dem höheren Gewicht der Maschine?

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2 years ago

Depends on the vehicle. An electronically throttled motorcycle usually has much more torque and I think it is worth it.

In a motorbike throttled over the gas train or the like, I would rather recommend a machine that has a direct 35kW. Here one takes only the disadvantages of a large machine. None of the larger capacity.

2 years ago

I’d buy a machine that directly has 35kW. These are lighter and perfectly matched.

2 years ago
Reply to  DieDas57

That goes too, but I prefer a smaller one and would buy a bigger one after the ascent.

2 years ago

I’d take the bigger one directly. Then you’ve gotten used to the bike when you take the throttle out later.

Note, however, that motorcycles for A2 can have a maximum of 78 hp (? So exactly I don’t know) before throttling. If you want to drive something big with your A license anyway, it doesn’t matter what moped you’re taking now.