A2 Führerschein, wieviel PS?


Ich habe eine Frage. Angenommen, ich kaufe eine Yamaha R6 von 2000, die auf 48 PS gedrosselt ist. Darf ich diese fahren, obwohl diese ungedrosselt über 91 PS hat? Es gibt ja diese neue Regelung, dass Motorräder für A2 nicht über 91 PS haben dürfen wenn sie ungedrosselt sind. Trifft das auch hier zu?

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7 years ago


YES, this also applies here 😉

Class A2 is up to 35 kW the maximum of 70 kW were derived. That’s 96 hp, not 91.

Therefore a small tip: Always align with the kW, because only those are decisive. Due to the rounding, the PS is also quickly located next to it.

As you have already recognized correctly, the R6 has more than 70 kW and so you can NOT drive it to 35 kW with the A2.

The no longer completely new regulation is primarily about the driving licence and NOT about the vehicle itself!

Therefore, it does not matter when the motorcycle was bought or when it was throttled.

It is always the Original performance of motorcycle from work and this may not exceed 70 kW and there is no tolerance.

It is also not possible to throttle the motorcycle to 70 kW or less and then to throttle it again to 35 kW.

That only in case you speculate on another not possible idea 😉

Best regards


7 years ago

Think about your question again.

You say that she has unthrottled over 91 ps and you know that there is the new regulation that you cannot drive a machine unthrottled over 91 ps.

you answered the question yourself.

7 years ago
Reply to  watefuhc

and what does your driving licence have to do with the motorcycle?

simply think logically – the motorcycle driver’s license is also for 2 avenue vehicles – no one has asked me yet “can I also drive a car with the A2 – if 2 wheels always stay in the air? ”

7 years ago
Reply to  watefuhc

If you don’t, everyone would use it.

Welcome to Michael

7 years ago

You mean those 120 hp?

If yes, you can’t drive her.

7 years ago
Reply to  rxbxl

You’re on super sports?

Honda Cbr 500 r? (I find them really pretty for my part)

7 years ago
Reply to  rxbxl

Find them beautiful, have ordered me a new one, which comes in early April 🙂

7 years ago

Yes unthrottled no more than 95 hp and throttled no more than 48…

7 years ago

Yes, this is true. You may not drive.

5 years ago

35 kW.