A2 Führerschein?

Servus und zwar hab ich 2 Fragen.

1. Lohnt sich es noch im Oktober den A2 Führerschein zu machen wegen Wetter etc

2. Hab seit einem Jahr meinen Auto Führerschein muss ich trotzdem nochmal Theorie Stunden machen oder reicht nur die Theorieprüfung?

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2 years ago

1.Do not live in October. -> Start in January with the theory, do all paperwork to make the hours in February/March.

You need to sit down 6 normal car hours and make 4 class-specific hours for the motorcycle and accordingly also your exam. -> is annoying, I know.

2 years ago
  1. Not really. Most driving schools do not offer motorcycle training in winter. For this purpose, the time determination is sometimes difficult, since the weather conditions are often unsuitable. Some of them offer it, but in training it is not a matter of volunteering.
  2. You still have to take the theoretical lessons, which is a prerequisite for admission to the theoretical examination.
2 years ago

for the A2 you will have to complete theory and practice.