A1 to A2 not possible in winter?
Why is this regulated so stupidly? We don't get snow until January anyway.
Why is this regulated so stupidly? We don't get snow until January anyway.
Hallo für den praktischen Unterricht in meiner Fahrschule brauche ich mein eigenes Gefährt (50ccm) Muss ich die theoretische Prüfung abgeschlossen haben um mir eins zu kaufen oder kann ich es mir schon davor kaufen?
Hallo. ich bin im Moment in der Fahrschule und mache derzeit meinen A2 Führerschein und ich bin auch schon kräftig am überlegen welches Motorrad ich mir holen soll. Die Suzuki gs500e war bei mir lange umstritten, ist zwar sehr preiswert aber dennoch ziemlich alt und ich würde ungerne auf abs verzichten. Als neuere ”Gegenmodelle” sind…
Hallo, vor etwa über einem Jahr wurde ich mit dem Roller erwischt der zu schnell war, kein Kennzeichen, kein Helm. Bin vor dem Zivil Auto abgehauen was sich aber nicht zu erkennen gab hat mich aber später zu fuß bekommen. hab dafür schon meine Strafe bekommen 30 sozialstunden, roller weg, und 9 Monate fahrsperre. Bin…
Ich möchte mir eine Super moto zulegen da es erst meine erste Maschine ist wollte ich nachfragen wie schnell man fahren könnte. Danke im Voraus:D
Moin, braucht man für einen Gabelstapler Führerschein einen PKW Führerschein oder ist das unwichtig? Und kann man den Schein auch im Betrieb machen?
In winter, the risk of falling is several times higher. Despite insurance, the driving school remains on a part of the cost (self-employment, higher contributions). In addition, the salt on the road is harmful to the motorcycle.
It makes no sense for driving schools to offer driving hours in winter.
Oh, okay, thank you, of course, but confirmation is always good.
the reason is usually not the driving schools, but the testing centres (TÜV or DEKRA).
You will certainly also have other reasons that are not directly apparent to us.
I think this is also made more of a self-protection for the riders. If you want to look at these whole guys who want to make the appearance, I can honestly understand this very well, at least quite often. Ok there are also reasonable among them, but these are quite little in number. What I mean are the guys who are interested in a damp throat what the driving instructor said in the driving hour or the 1000. once explained. You know and can do anything better. Right here there is the very great risk that they take the bike. They are basically just able to drive 5 meters straight with the bike and this also only more eggs than driving.
In addition, there is usually the point that the equipment is not yet very large and they often start to frothing, which also counteracts the right hands of the motorcycle. Those who tremble on the bike before cold cannot drive safely. It’s just that. You get steif, trenches and cramps.
These whole things together already result in an increased risk for the pupils and thus one can understand it somehow, but one does not have to. If the weather permits, these tests should also take place.
Doesn’t have anything to do with the weather, your statement. the problem does not change in good weather.
See that with the weather
also definitely doesn’t make fun of motorcycle driving in winter.xD
Go all year round.
I see that quite differently, all Sunday drivers are gone and I have free lane without anyone hanging in front of the light mask 😁
Jo, that the driving schools don’t want to wipe me out, I thought my original question was a little too rough, thank you.
I think the passports in Austria and Switzerland are probably mega nice in winter
on the Großglockner are also partly 10m high snow walls 🙂
If it is also partially, -5 degrees 1.5 hours were the maximum. After that, I had to wake up for 2 hours.
as if the Ultra is uncomfortable in front of naja guuuut I have a leather combi
Yes, as I said, in our latitudes one also has 12°C in December 😃
ok is also true again but it is wet and cold and just bäh xD
It is cold .. it is wet .. it is smooth.. the risk of accident is increased.
The Tüv has a two-wheel lock of 15. November to 15 If you want to check in the time, you have to pay the Tüv fees once again.
Folder all the driving schools… maybe you’ll find one of them.
Request for the driver’s licence has already been paid?
No, so I can forget this year, even blame.
Applications have a processing time of 4-8 weeks. then it probably becomes rather short.
The two years of A1 are around?
At least something.
I’ve been making for half a year
At the moment the driving schools haven’t heard anything yet. And then you have to submit the application to the driver’s office. Processing time before Corona: 4-8 Wo.
Jo, hopefully from the magic 19.4.
Well, doof, but, uh, not to change, I’m sure going on from May.
Hi, sry just lied to me again. The 2 years have been since 29.11. Um, and now I can’t do the rags for corona. What a lucky one I am.
There are just a few driving schools that do not offer two-wheel driving hours over the winter (and if necessary the bike has only been registered seasonal).
Ultimately, you never really know 100% how the weather is. Here with us it hardly snows, but it does not fry
Oh a trucker babe 😁😁
There is no rule that would prohibit it.
However, driving schools and examiners are agreed: high risk, difficult road conditions -> not so tingling for training.
Thus: At Peter complain and not about any non-existent regulations.
Then imagine the Holy Spirit.
Its core competence lies elsewhere.
You have to ask the instructor. He will have his reason why he does not offer practical lessons on the two-wheeler. Probably too little pupils who want to do this so that he prefers to moth the carppi over the winter.