A1 Führerschein so teuer?
Moin, wohne Nähe Hamburg ( Schleswig-Holstein) und hab mich gewundert warum der A1 (125CCM) Führerschein so arsch teurer ist? Ich habe in 5 Fahrschulen angefragt und alle nannten mir einen Voraussichtlichen Preis von über 2-3.000€ kauf ich mir hier ein Flugzeug oder 400 Pinke Waschmaschinen? Kann den Preis 0 nachvollziehen da mir im Internet ein Preis von maximal 1.500€ inklusive alles versprochen wurde, wenn das 2022 ein normaler Preis ist dann glaub ich eröffne ich selber eine Fahrschule. Kennt jemand Umgebung Hamburg Billstedt/Rahlstedt günstige Fahrschulen?
The diesel price is exploding this is the reason.
Well, before I get some people around that a mopped obviously only needs gasoline, so the driving instructor sits in the diesel car and goes after you.
In the past, the liter of diesel had been up to 2.50 euros, of course it must also be priced in the calculation.
And last but not least the driving instructor wants to be paid properly so that he can afford the expensive rental apartment in Hamburg at all.
The Internet can not be a max. Price “promise” because at the moment all energy prices are rising. Accordingly, most schools must also adjust prices.
Look what the registration costs + theory + the individual hours. Then you can see if you are able to land it from this 2000 €. Of course, driving schools would rather communicate the average price than to set too low and then you would have listened to them
400 pink washing machines would be much more expensive
The price is currently quite realistic. Landing under 2000 is almost impossible. Almost no matter what driver’s license. In 2015/16 I paid well 1300€. This was also the absolute minimum of hours etc.
Besides, it would be interesting to see how the Internet promises you a maximum.
That’s quite normal. You are already alone with the basic fee idR at 400 €, theor. Examination at about 160 € and the special trips (12 pieces at about 60 € = 720 €) at 1280 €. Depending on the driving skills, there are also training trips.
It won’t help you, but the pilot certificate for sailplanes is much cheaper.
yes sailplane is not as cheap as a motorcycle again
No one has to buy to fly. Most airlines have enough clubs, which are only paid when used. With us in the club it costs about 12,- 20,- the hour depending on the model.
Or it’s free 🙂
That’s true. To get to school every day, a grounded moped would be much more practical.
Yes is actually a bit cumbersome yet to park the thing in front of school
I doubt that something else was promised to you on the driving school website.
With us in NRW, the A1 costs by 1000€, A direct entry zb by 1300 to 1400€, if you need only a few hours of course, + mandatory hours.
Will come in 2022, these prices are probably from 2010 as you have been serving guides.
No, they’re prices from Herne 12 months ago.
I wrote A1 by the 1000€ and A direct entry zb by the 1300 to 1400€
My brother made the A direct entry, say A unlimited.
The sum I paid for it, I called earlier.
Please read correctly.
ahah, first you write about the 1000 euros, and then it was 1400 euros.
Such hurled numbers do not bring any further, because I do not know the best will that can offer for exactly 1000 euro.
Well, my brother made the driver’s license and I paid him, so I’d say I know exactly what he cost.
If, of course, one does not compare what some are incapable and take the first best driving school, then 20 extra hours will need it to be clear that you pay more than 2000€ or more.
All mandatory driving hours, 2 extra hours to start, is normal – then passed to the tests and everything at the first time.
So it was exactly 1387,36€ to get it to the point,
I don’t think you did your driver’s license with 30 years, how did you get those numbers?
Nowhere else will be as lied as expensive as your own leader’s jerk. 30 per cent of the pupils fall through, after which nobody wants to have been.