Dual study program in fitness science and fitness economics salary?
Does anyone have an approximate guideline as to what kind of starting salary one can expect as a dual student of fitness science and fitness economics?
Thank you!
Does anyone have an approximate guideline as to what kind of starting salary one can expect as a dual student of fitness science and fitness economics?
Thank you!
Dear community, I will soon complete my master's degree in social pedagogy. Even though my grades are very good, I'm not satisfied with my choice of studies because I feel like I haven't acquired any concrete, testable knowledge and am therefore falling short of my cognitive abilities. Furthermore, 95% of the job offers don't appeal…
as a software developer: Working week: 4 days, 6 hours each, with full pay (at least 15 hours) Flexitime is of course possible 50 days of vacation (or more if you like) Working atmosphere without pressure, everything very easy and relaxed
Only tax class 3 pays less taxes, but this is compensated by tax class 5 and tax class 4 has no difference to tax class 1 As an example: Man (Class 3, NRW): Gross 4200€ = 2984€ Net Woman (Grade 5, NRW): Gross 2800€ = 1600€ Net -> Total net income: 4584€ If you then…
Hello I graduated with a 1.8 (high school diploma) and completed an apprenticeship in dental technology (and have one year of professional experience). I would like to study dentistry. The question is, do you absolutely have to take the TMS or do you have the chance to study? VG
Would you prefer to work from home or on-site? The fact that there are jobs that can't be done from home shouldn't be a factor in this question.
Bei einem dualen Studium, bist du ja in erster Linie ein, etwas besser bezahlter Azubi. Da hilft es nichts, nach dem Einstiegsgehalt zu fragen. Das wird erst verhandelt, wenn du mit dein Studium erfolgreich beendet hast.
Genau das ist ja meine Frage, was ich als Student schon erwarten kann
Ein etwas besseres AZUBI-Gehalt. Du sollst diesen Beruf ja schließlich erst einmal LERNEN. Dafür musste man vor nicht allzu langer Zeit noch BEZAHLEN
Danke mein lieber