Lint in your clothes?

I washed a rug that was really tangled. I immediately did laundry afterward. There was lint from the rug everywhere. I dried the laundry, and a lot of it was removed, but not all of it. Can I wear the lint-covered clothes now, or is it harmful to my health? T-shirts, underwear, and socks were all lint-covered. I think I've removed all the lint, but a few are still hanging there.

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9 months ago

It won’t work with another laundry. First you have to buy a clothesbrush and unleash the stuff. Then wash again for short-term program Other

9 months ago

Do not believe that this would be harmful, but perhaps the rest of the ankles would disappear through a new wash.

9 months ago

Why would it be harmful to health?

These pies come from your clothes you wore.