Kellner in der Gastro?
Wenn ihr ein Gasthaus hättet oder eine Bar.
Würdet ihr Lieber eine Fschkraft einstellen die ihren Job gut macht, der gut beraten und verkaufen kann und einen positiven Eindruck bei den Kunden hinterlässt.
Der aber seinen Marktwert kennt und deswegen 3000€ brutto will.
Oder würdest du dir einen Kellnerrobotter holn der dich bei der Anschaffung 17.000€ kostet aber danach nur noch den Strom und er will kein Trinkgeld.
This depends entirely on the concept of locality.
If it is to be something modern inovative, with a young target group, I could also imagine a robot or several of them.
On the other hand, if it were a typical German guest house with a decent food and beer, I would find a robot more disturbing and more suitable for the classic waiter.
This is an innovative acquisition. Human waiters need no human
Your comment does not need a human
You seem to be moving on to it.
Because human waiters get sick, cost money and quit.
Have you ever worked in the gastro?
How many times should that happen?
You are not a businessman
If the table drinks with the waiter nen schnaps you make zb at an 6er group times 21€ more with a bet of 3€
He shouldn’t drink liquor and not motivate. He should serve the guests
The robot cannot motivate
Or how much schnapps can he drink and work well?
In the elevated gastro, and only there is 3,000 euros perhaps conceivable, always a person, because there it is also very important that guests feel valued and ask questions to eat and get well answered. The robot has something cool, modern and I would at best use it for a modern, hip and more affordable restaurant. By the way, as far as I know, the robot cannot clean up the dishes, or only if it puts the guests on his tablet.
Yes the guests have to give him the cherry so that he can get into the kitchen
And a good waiter can also bring a normal gastronomic house before it just must of course also fit the kitchen, you can’t sell well behind that you don’t stand
The same applies to cafes
Especially a loose charismatic art does not fit into a star local there is more about seriousness and can
I work in the gastro… and 3,000 € gross for a plate taxi?
That’s a very long time ago.
For hard work and inflation?
These are 2100 net that is 200€ for the set of a salary you need to live appropriately
Yeah… nothing changes that doesn’t get a waiter.
That’s why tipping is so damn important.
No one would say
And you can ask js
We have an expert mangem, you can be aware of your worth
If 20 places come to 1 worker he can already request a little more than 1500€ gross