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Yes, I always had the urge and also desire to eat everything that comes from nature. After all, we’re just about her. I love any vegetables. All possible seeds, such as, for example, chia or linseed. But I don’t have anything against occasional fast food.
Yes, very much. I track and see my macros.
Eating balanced and giving the body what it needs keeps it healthy and fit. Especially in the future, it is the best prevention that everyone can do for themselves.
It’s important to me, but I don’t have any objections to that question. Especially if I’m not home.
No, because I’m not overweight.
No, I’m going to taste and price.
Jo, there’s only bio and a lot of raw food.
Bio is not automatically healthy
Yeah, the older I get, the more important it gets. I only eat organic, as far as I can, on finished products and eat whole grains more and bake only with whole grain flour, no longer with the 405 dirt.
Yes, very important. I only have a Life.