Passt neuer Lüfter?

Hallo, hätte eine Frage. Würde diese Lüftung ( in diesen Pc passen Wenn ja, wäre es Schwer sie einzubauen oder reicht es einfach wenn ich die alte ausbaue und die neue dann einbaue.

Danke schonmal im Vorraus

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10 months ago


The page mig of the PC does not go on, but 2 basic thoughts:

  1. I wouldn’t buy a PC over an Amazon, that’s very common overhead junk.
  2. If you first rebuild a new PC, a problem of sales with the warranty could make problems, and why would you buy a PC that needs to be refitted?
10 months ago
Reply to  Valezeili

Oh, okay. My computer is now 10 years old, there’s nothing left. I also regularly blow the heat sinks clean. Hold the fans. Then there are also people who claim that the heat-conducting paste would have to be more regularly. I don’t believe it.

If you have seen icv rs correctly, you need a silly fan for the cooling solution.

10 months ago

I had gogled the PC, he didn’t have any ventilation up. Then you could just put the heat sink back. I would ask if he goes for the procedure, whether the hoses are long enough, and whether the mounting material for the cooler is there, to make a little bit of trouble