Was darf ein Rührei am Imbiss maximal kosten?
Moin, war vorhin bei dem Imbiss meines Vertrauens und habe gesehen, dass der doch satte 15,90 für eine Portion Rührei (2 Eier) und 2 Scheiben Brot nimmt.
Ist das noch normal?? Konnte leider kein Foto schießen…
It’s a VERY proud price.
And with a snack, something like a curry sausage bud, completely inappropriate. Accordingly, the shop is unlikely to sell scrambled eggs. Unless he gilded the agitator.
Hello this is really very nice, but maybe there’s gold dust in it but what? I’d turn around on the spot and look for a new snack because competition is reviving the business
Everyone can take what he wants. If you don’t make a scrambled egg, you should pay.
Ever heard of Wucher?
Absolutely ridiculous, no matter how high quality is.
At 8 euros I would say very expensive, but at least super quality. Then the pain isn’t that big.
A good price would be 4 euros.
The price is only justified when the cook uses its own “egg”
I would withdraw my trust immediately and permanently!
Extremely covered price. Dfor you get some breads and par packs eggs😆😆
that’s really exaggerated. even if it is top bio eier from building out of the opposite.
in Switzerland – I would say yes
in Germany – no – except it is a gourmet star streets snack – or the two eggs from the owner…
15.90 for own 🥚🥚 – that would be too cheap
The eggs are so expensive because he laid them himself. You don’t even know if he’s cheating on you because you can’t count agitators.
Oh, come on, there’s scrambled eggs from the tetrapak, you don’t even have to bite again, that’s so mocking cheap.
a photo of the price board you could have shot.
leave the 1 in front, then it fits.