Kann das JobCenter das zurück fordern?
Folgendes ich war bis jetzt über die 16i Förderung vei einem Sozialkaufhaus eingestellt. Nun hatte man mir in Ramenneines Bildungsgutscheins den Führerschein ermöglicht. Das Problem ich das ich meine jetzige Arbeit aus gesundtheitlichen Gründen nicht mehr machen darf(hatte Wohnungsentrümmpellungen gemacht).
Nun falle ich damit aus dieser nach 16i geförderten Stelle aus. Was mir aber nun Schweißperlen aufs Gesicht treibt ust das das JobCenter jetzt das ganze Geld für den Führerschein zurück wil, da ich aus der 16i Förderung falle hätte ich den Führerschein zu unrecht bezahlt bekommen.
Nun frage ich mich lann das JobCenter das wirklich tun oder was kann ich jetzt machen?
Yes, they can, they have to count on everything.
Can the job center do that obviously.
Whether it may be, it would have to be checked individually.
In that case, you should get a legal counsel.
The job center can ask for everything. Whether it comes through with it is another question.
I would recommend you to contact a specialist lawyer for social law:
However, if the driver’s license has been required for the activity in the social department store, I can understand the recovery.
Hm ok thanks
No, don’t worry. It’s not your fault that you got sick. Accordingly, the job center can not take away the benefits that were originally intended to increase your opportunities in the labour market.
the worst thing that can happen to you is if you don’t think you’re really sick, then you may. an annoying investigation must be made about you. However, if this is as described, I do not see any reason that the official doctor cannot come to the conclusion that you can continue to work there. make this activity.
What you can also “fit” is that because of your qualification you are divided differently, for example, as a pure driver or something, just what you get baked in your condition.
Lg, Nicki
Hey, thank you, well with me, the medical service of AOK has now been reported to see what you can do, e.g. Reha etc
That’s something. they will take care of you, though admitted not quite useless!
You’ve got a license financed under an educational check. When submitting a request, it has already been thoroughly examined that this measure would increase your chances on the first labour market – it is not just because of an employment measure. 16i.
If you are Health reasons, the current activity can no longer be carried out, then a Important to stop them. This can no recovery the cost of driving licences.
It would be different if we cancelled a measure without an important reason – then we must reimburse the costs.
It’s like you read. Only questionable to what extent the recovery is enforceable.
Not so fast.
I only read fears and I would probably agree with a lack of legal basis for a recovery.
Hi thank you for the answer is the problem that is so damaged due to all the dragging spine, feet, legs that I can now only run on cripple, let alone lifting something