Warum seid ihr auf Gute Frage?
mich interessiert mal warum genau ihr auf gute Frage seid! 🤗
LG Millie
mich interessiert mal warum genau ihr auf gute Frage seid! 🤗
LG Millie
Wenn ich genug geld hätte würde ich direkt ausziehen aber ich gehe noch zur schule (will abi machen). ein nebenjob in meiner nähe reicht überhaupt net dafür aus. Die beziehung zu meiner familie (väterlicherseits) ist mit mir und meiner mom komplett zerbrochen, meine eltern haben sich aber wegen ihrem kind (also mich) nie scheiden lassen….
Hallo, also ich (d /15) muss Bald zum ersten Mal zu einer Frauenärztin. Und ich habe auch einbischen Angst, mir wurde nie erklärt was da überhaupt so gemacht wird..also wäre es nett wenn ihr es mir sagen könntet.
Wenn ein Mädchen ihre periode fast immer paar Tage später bekommt?
Frage steht schok oben habt ihr Vorschläge?
Hey. Letze Periode : 26.03 . SSW festgestellt : 06.05 Am 11.05 im Krankenhaus diagnostiziert bekommen : Abortus Kompletus 16.06- 4 Tage Periode 02.07-heute leichte SchmierBlutungen, dunkelrot aber mit Blutgerinnsel bzw. 1 cm Klumpen ich war aus Angst nicht bei der Nachsorge weil ich mir dachte ,, kompletus „ sei erklärend genug und ich müsste…
My main reason is probably that I have the good will to help other people. Whether in everyday questions or difficult matters – I’m happy to be in place and help. 😃
If I have a question or suggestion, I like to share it here and get great answers in return, which makes the platform very nice and informative.
Sometimes I don’t find the answer to a question on Google, then I put the question in here and here are a few people who know really much, I was often helped. But I would also like to help others with my knowledge collected over decades when I was young, the first CD players just came out, I’ve always been using technology in a hobby way, and so I can help other people from time to time, it’s just fun
I find it cool to create posts and answer questions. I’ve been on a good question for nine years, but I haven’t been active in between. :
I want to help people with my life experience and clarify favorites all in the sexual area as I notice there is a lot of ignorance.
I accidentally bumped into the side of the googling and remained since. 😊
Actually only because of the users I like and of course pure to amusement
To help others and from boredom
Because I love to read questions about penises…🐥
Ne, Quatsch…I think it’s boredom…And sometimes it’s funny here…better than TV…🙃🐥
I was trying to help. I’m helping others now!
To find people who ask the same question as I just did 3 months ago.
Lg notnoetig ⭐
Boring and because I like to help people.
I don’t know, it just turned out so😂🤙🏽
MfG Lucas
I drive 60-70,000 kilometers a year and use the traffic jams to write ðŸ
It was a good thing in the beginning. But there were still good questions and not as much as:
When I’m thick, how big must the penis be, you do SB, I can draw well, the teacher may have what fetish you have, etc. I hope you know what I mean.
Since Corona, this has been different when the children/young people were allowed to join us. This then pulled on every amount of roll.
Now I’m looking for the few good questions you can answer.
Previously, everything was better:(
No, it wasn’t all better. it was only looked after more.
there are various reasons, e.g.
I’ve been wondering about that for a long time
If I have good questions, I always wonder if there are good questions.
See the answers to questions.
I have questions and I want answers.