Dienstantritt verschieben?
Hallo ich wollte eigentlich ab Neujahr mit dem Dienstantritt bei der Bundeswehr beginnen. Leider ist mir das jetzt aufgefallen dass ich da noch sehr wichtige Termine habe die ich nicht absagen kann. Ist es irgendwie möglich, dass ich meine Einplanerin nochmal anrufen kann und ihr bescheid geben kann?
Of course. You can always express your wishes.
According to my experience, the personnel are benevolent and meet you as long as this is within the scope of their possibilities. And if you don’t have a convocation decision, there may still be room to play. After all, there are allegedly numerous unoccupied places and the Bw needs soldiers.
However, the Bundeswehr plans long-term, both job placements and training courses. Especially at the beginning, after your basic training, you will probably also have to go through other technical and career courses, for which in turn training places are required and must be planned. A shift in the service entrance can thus result in an entire planar rat tail. And possibly also changes that are not in your sense (or the service owner): Other place, other location, waiting times within your career history to full usability or, if necessary, Transport.
I would therefore not make too great hopes in your place, especially as something like the prevented participation in a third party’s wedding is regrettable, but is not a compelling personal reason for the Bundeswehr.
But probiers, questions don’t cost anything, you won’t be retrieved and maybe you can.
Good luck!
So a shift is of course possible. However, in doubt you have to live with this on the one hand much later and on the other hand not on the original place
Could wedding (not mine) count as personal reasons? And is it more likely the later I start that then put free are those close to home?
It can only be gone.
Hi, I’m with the Bundeswehr. If you tell me what dates it is, maybe I can help you.
How are you gonna help me?
By roughly explaining your “termine” to me, and I will tell you based on my experience, if you have to address and if these dates may not be necessary.
So if it’s not the wedding of a person close to you, then you can take a holiday this day with certainty, even if it’s at the beginning of basic training.
Does wedding count for personal reasons? (Not own)